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Marie-Claude Penloup, Bernadette Kervyn, Véronique Miguel Addisu
Repères, n°65/2022
Élèves plurilingues en classes ordinaires : outils et questions pour la didactique du français
Multilingual students in mainstream classes: tools and issues for the teaching of the French language
This issue focuses on the teaching of the French Language, the teaching of languages and sociolinguistics. It brings together current research on multilingualism in so-called monolingual classes, classroom practices and related training. The implications for inclusion and effective teaching are huge.

Clémence Cardon-Quint, Johannes Westberg
Histoire de l'éducation, n°157/2022
Les réformes du financement de l'éducation. France/Suède
Educational Finance Reform. France/Sweden
The financing of education brings into play a wide range of issues - economic, but also political, social and cultural - that are addressed by many disciplines. In the field of educational history, however, it has only intermittently attracted the attention of researchers.

David Cross, Isabelle Kermen

Cédric Frétigné, Stéphanie Rubi

Maira de Araujo Mamede, Julien Netter
Revue française de pédagogie, n°213/2021
Les enfants parlent de la classe
How children talk about the classroom
When adults talk about the classroom, they impose a way of perceiving it, of interpreting it. But what happens when children talk about the classroom? The three articles which comprise this issue report on recent studies which, adopting different approaches, collect children's statements about the classroom using original methods.

Anissa Belhadjin, Marie-France Bishop
Repères, n°64/2021
Lire des œuvres en extraits, quels enjeux pour l'enseignement de la littérature ?
Reading works of literature in the form of extracts, what are the implications for literature teaching?
Based on the observation that extracts have implications for the teaching of literature and the selection of works for study in schools, this dossier seeks to ascertain the relationships which are established between a work and extracts from it. These different articles, we discover how extracts reveal the challenges involved in teaching literature

Françoise Laot
Histoire de l'éducation, n°156/2021
L'éducation des femmes adultes au XXe siècle, travailleuses, épouses et mères, citoyennes
Adult Women's Education in the 20th Century, workers women, spouses and mothers, citizens
At the crossroads of the history of the education of adults and the history of women and gender, this issue focuses on adult women's education, notably aiming at women from working-class backgrounds, in various national and temporal contexts in the whole 20th century.

Sylvain Doussot, Xavier Pons

Patrice Venturini, Jean-Marie Boilevin
RDST, n°23/2021
État des recherches sur la formation des enseignants de sciences et de technologies
State of research on science and technology teacher education
No one disputes the need today for lifelong learning to cope with the quick changes in our societies and their ever-increasing complexity. Science and technology teachers are no exception to this, and their training partly conditions the gration of their pupils into the society in which they will live. This issue is devoted to this aspect.

Francis Lebon, Frédéric Torterat
Recherche et formation, n°94/2020
Approches de la formation en travail social
Training approaches in Social Work
This issue deals with several aspects of training to and through research in the field of Social Work. It examines the logics of recognition and emancipation, the controversies, but also the contexts of emergence of a field within a global movement of mutations of the relevant professions in our contemporary societies.

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