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· Astérion. Philosophie, histoire des idées, pensée politique

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Jérôme Bastick, Christophe Cusset, Claire Vieilleville
Aitia, n°9-1/2019
Le bouvier dans la poésie hellénistique et le roman grec
Cowherds in Hellenistic Poetry and Greek Novel

Ninon Grangé
L'urgence et l'effroi
Urgency and Terror
L'état d'exception, la guerre et les temps politiques
State of exception, war and political times
La croisée des chemins
This book proposes to show that politics is always a way of imposing a temporality against other temporalities, both unveiled and covered by the state of exception.

Pascale Molinier
Le care monde
The world of care
Trois essais de psychologie morale
Three essays in moral psychology
Perspectives du care
Why care work is so particularly fertile for moral questions? What can social psychology bring to reflection in ethics? In what way moral philosophy can renew the listening of psychologists? Can they change the way they understand the preoccupations of the ordinary world?

Jean-Paul Paccioni
Astérion, n°18/2018
Tetens et la philosophie transcendantale. Psychologie, philosophie transcendante et perfectibilité
Tetens and transcendental philosophy. Psychology, transcendent philosophy and perfectibility
This collection of texts is intended to correct a historical oversight. Johann Nikolaus Tetens (1736-1807) is an ignored thinker, yet he played a central philosophical role in eighteenth-century Germany. He developed the problem of the objectivity of knowledge before Kant and gave previously unknown opportunities to philosophical thought.

Pierre Crétois, Stéphanie Roza
Astérion, n°17/2017
De l'intérêt général
On General Interest
The notion of public interest, which has been widespreadly used in France in the eighteenth century, contains a foundamental polysemy: the debates about its definition are linked with the modern characterization of the State and its right.

Pierre Charbonnier, Romain J. Garcier, Camille Rivière
Tracés, n°33/2017
Revenir à la terre ?
Coming back to land ?
This issue of Tracés approaches land as a conceptual object, as a power issue, and as the site of many agencies and political possibilities. Ten contributions (translation, note, dialogue and original papers) from several disciplines shed light on a different side of the comeback of land, reinstating land as a major contemporary concern.

Martine Furno
The 16th century saw the emergence of vernaculars as languages of thought, and the parallel maintenance of Latin as a learned language of communication and thought. The issue presented here sought to question the facts in terms of the gradual impact of this rise of the vernaculars on Latin throughout the century.

Christian Del Vento, Philippe Audegean, Xavier Tabet, Pierre Musitelli
Le bonheur du plus grand nombre
The Happiness of the Greatest Number
Beccaria et les Lumières
Beccaria and the Enlightenment
La croisée des chemins
This book examines the way On Crimes and Punishments (1764) gave birth to modern criminal law and paved the long road towards the abolition of the death penalty and torture in Europe. Written by prominent Beccaria scholars, the seventeen chapters provide interdisciplinary perspectives: , it furthers our understanding culture of today's world.

Catherine Volpilhac-Auger
Montesquieu : une histoire de temps
Montesquieu : a story of time
La croisée des chemins
Fifteen articles, several of which are unpublished, enable an overview of the complete works of Montesquieu in all their dimensions. What does the genesis of his works tell us? Rediscover Montesquieu in his time and in the long haul of history; revealed by the succession of readings, sometimes contradictory, which have been given.

Romain Descendre, Fabio Frosini
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°18/2016
Gramsci d'un siècle à l'autre
Gramsci From One Century to Another
This issue of «Laboratoire italien» reports on the current state of the research on Gramsci in Italy. From the point of view of their subject matter, the contributions collected in this issue can be divided into two main areas, which ultimately feed on each other: the editions, on the one hand, and on the other, the critical studies.

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