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· Astérion. Philosophie, histoire des idées, pensée politique

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Estelle Ferrarese
La fragilité du souci des autres
The fragility of concern for others
Adorno et le care
Adorno and care
Perspectives du care

Retrouver Estelle Ferrarese dans l'émission Avec philosophie sur France culture dans le 1er épisode intitulé La compétition est-elle le moteur du capitalisme ? de la série " la compétition, nerf de nos vies".
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Ninon Grangé, Frédéric Ramel
Le droit international selon Hans Kelsen
Hans Kelsen and International Law
Criminalités, responsabilités, normativités
Criminality, Responsibility, Normativity
La croisée des chemins
This book aims at introducing an aspect of the legal thought of Hans Kelsen, and more particularly its conception of International Law. The originality of this research results from the integration of two translations of under-studied texts of Kelsen concerning the International criminal justice during the creation of military tribunals post WWII.

Pierre-François Moreau, Raffaele Carbone, Chantal Jaquet
À la croisée des interprétations
At the Crossroads of Interpretations
La croisée des chemins
The relationship between Spinoza's and Malebranche's philosophies has rarely been approached head-on in a speculative comparison which explores both the ontology and theory of knowledge and ethics and politics. This book offers new research on this subject.

Louis Couturat, Michel Fichant
Logique, mathématiques, langue universelle
Logic, mathematics and universal language
Anthologie, 1893-1917
Anthology, 1893-1917
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales
Logic, mathematics and universal language brings together thirty-nine articles written by Louis Couturat (1868-1914) on the philosophy of logic, mathematics and language.

Gweltaz Guyomarc'h, Stéphane Marchand
Aitia, n°7-2/2017
Études sur le De elementis de Galien
Studies on Galen's De elementis
The present papers focus on Galen's (129–ca. 216) treatise On the elements according to Hippocrates, probably written ca. 169, during his second stay in Rome.

Francesco Toto, Théophile Pénigaud, Emmanuel Renault
La reconnaissance avant la reconnaissance
The Recognition before Recognition
Archéologie d'une problématique moderne
Archaeology of a Modern Concept
La croisée des chemins

Saverio Ansaldi
Fureurs et mélancolie
Rage and melancholy
Philosophie, théologie et poésie à la Renaissance
Philosophy, theology and poetry in the Renaissance
La croisée des chemins

Jacques-Louis Lantoine, Camille Chevalier
La servitude volontaire
Voluntary Servitude
Postérité, réappropriations et perspectives critiques
Posterity, Reappropriations and Critical Perspectives
La croisée des chemins
The formula « voluntary servitude » is mobilized without being necessarily referred to La Boétie's Discourse. The paradoxical and enigmatic aspect of the expression seduces. This book provides a critical analysis of it and proposes avatars that are more suitable to explain the phenomenon it indicates.

Philippe Chevallier
Michel Foucault et le christianisme
Michel Foucault and Christianity
Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée
La croisée des chemins
What traces has Christianity left in our lives? This question runs through Foucault's work, from research on modern confession to that on Antiquity. This book offers the first synthesis of it. Far from the usual ascetic image, Foucault makes Christianity a fragile relationship with the truth.

Jacques Henriot, Gilles Brougère, Bernard Perron
Sous couleur de jouer
La métaphore ludique
Playful metaphor
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales
Published in 1989, Sous couleur de jouer has become a classic of French-language literature on play and games. Its approach is as much about reflecting on the idea of play as it is about criticizing thoughts that are too quick to grasp what lies at the heart of the phenomenon, that is a lusory attitude.

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