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Mathilde Provansal, Christine Détrez
Artistes mais femmes
Artists but women
Une enquête sociologique dans l'art contemporain
A sociological investigation in contemporary art
Perspectives genre
Women artists are less visible than men artists on the contemporary art market. Yet, they are in the majority in art schools. How can we explain this paradox? This book offers a new perspective on gender inequalities in artistic careers by examining the career paths of the graduates of a prestigious French school of visual arts.

Annette Lareau, Sylvie Octobre, Kevin Diter, Régine Sirota
Enfances inégales
Unequal Childhoods
Classe, race et vie de famille
Class, Race, and Family Life
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
Finally available in French, Annette Lareau's book Unequal Childhood is a major work in the American social sciences, situated at the intersection of the sociology of the family, childhood, education and social stratification. Original both in its method and its approach, it reveals the various mechanisms by which social inequalities are formed.

Ophélie Rillon, Michelle Zancarini-Fournel
Le genre de la lutte
Gender of struggle
Une autre histoire du Mali contemporain (1956-1991)
Another history of contemporary Mali (1956-1991)
Perspectives genre
the book offers a novel analysis of the gendered dynamics that permeate the forms of collective action and the way in which commitment contributes to changing gender relations in contemporary Mali. From decolonisation in 1960 to 1991 revolution, four decades of social and political struggles have shaped the country's highly non-consensual history.

Maira de Araujo Mamede, Julien Netter
Recherche et formation, n°87/2018
Former pour lutter contre les inégalités
Educating teachers to combat inequality
This collection of papers raises a central, yet quite unexplored question: how can teacher education train teachers to fight academic inequality? The contributions emphasize the need to consider context and real teaching practice in order to make schools fairer environments for all students.

Francis Lebon, Frédéric Torterat
Recherche et formation, n°94/2020
Approches de la formation en travail social
Training approaches in Social Work
This issue deals with several aspects of training to and through research in the field of Social Work. It examines the logics of recognition and emancipation, the controversies, but also the contexts of emergence of a field within a global movement of mutations of the relevant professions in our contemporary societies.

Anthony Favier, Yannick Fer, Juliette Galonnier, Ana Perrin-Heredia
Religions et classes sociales
Religions and Social Classes
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
This volume proposes to examine anew a classic but largely neglected question in the social sciences: that of the articulation between religions and social classes. The eleven surveys brought together here bring it up to date and analyze its role in the construction of social boundaries as well as in the reproduction or questioning of inequalities

Georges Felouzis, Barbara Fouquet-Chauprade
Revue française de pédagogie, n°191/2015
Les descendants d'immigrés à l'école : destins scolaires et origines des inégalités
Children of immigrants at school: academic futures and roots of inequality

Stéphane Bonnery, Paul Pasquali
Revue française de pédagogie, n°217/2022
« Le "métier d'enfant" » 50 ans après : penser l'éducation et la socialisation avec Jean-Claude Chamboredon
"Le 'métier d'enfant'"50 years after: Thinking education and socialisation with Jean-Claude Chamboredon
Fifty years ago, Jean-Claude Chamboredon and Jean Prévot published "Le 'métier d'enfant'", a seminal article followed by other publications on early childhood and, more generally, on socialisation at different stages of life. This special issue mobilise concepts, problems and approaches that are inspired by these publications and aim to update them

Adrien Chassain, Pauline Clochec, Gilles Guilhem Couffignal, Chloé Le Meur, Marc Lenormand, Marine Trégan
Tracés, n°30/2016
L'expérience minoritaire
The minority experience
Calling on the notion of experience to approach minority groups aims at keeping at bay any assumption of passivity regarding minority groups. . The authors collected the material for their research on minority groups through semi-structured interviews, through ethnographical surveys, in judicial archives.

Rémi Hadad, Igor Krtolica, Aurélia Michel, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, n°45/2023-2
« L'origine des inégalités » : résurgences et réappropriations d'un grand récit