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Atalaya, n°23/2023

Femmes et cour entre le Moyen Âge et la Renaissance : nouvelles perspectives de recherche (SEMYR)

Edited by Nuria Aranda Garcia, Almuneda Izquierdo Andreu

Atalaya. Revue d'études médiévales romanes

Women and Court between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: new lines of research (SEMYR)

This volume focuses on the literary role of women at court between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. It offers a broad overview of female characters, especially in books of chivalry, as well as their importance in convent literature and as dedicatees of texts. The aim is to portray the different female models throughout different realities, courtly environments or in fictional stories in order to bring us closer to the true role of women at court or, even, the vision of the world that these women expressed in their works.