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Sylvie Plane, Catherine Brissaud
Repères, n°69/2024
À quoi servent les évaluations institutionnelles ?
What are institutional assessments used for?
This issue offers critical analyses that examine how institutional assessments, which have sometimes-intertwined certifying, selective and/or informative functions, influence teachers' practices and teaching choices and, as such, are used for the political management of teaching.

Daniel Frandji
Revue française de pédagogie, n°220/2023
Justice, éducation, démocratie : recherches sur les « droits pédagogiques » d'après Basil Bernstein
Justice, education, democracy: research on "pedagogic rights" according to Basil Bernstein
This dossier builds on the model of "pedagogic rights" outlined by the British sociologist Basil Bernstein. the dossier shows how the model of pedagogic rights offers an opportunity to engage in debate with the best-known current theories of justice, which have trouble properly referring to the three rights.

Manuel Bächtold, Magali Fuchs-Gallezot
RDST, n°28/2023
Esprit critique et enseignement des sciences et des technologies
Critical thinking and science and technology education
In a context of strong institutional pressure to practise and develop critical thinking in the teaching of science and technology, the RDST editorial board felt it appropriate to examine research in the field of science and technology education on this subject.

Michaël Pouteyo, Michel Chauvière
Fernand Deligny, enfant et institution
Fernand Deligny, child and institution
Pour une histoire de l'enfance en marge
A history of childhood on the margins
La croisée des chemins
While the 19th century put children in school, the first half of the 20th focused on those who didn't go. By examining the trajectory and work of Fernand Deligny (1913-1996), schoolteacher, educator and writer, this book aims to redraw this history. this philosophical investigation aims to better situate Deligny's place.

Viviane Isambert-Jamati, Roger Establet
Crises de la société, crises de l'enseignement
Society crises, Teaching crises
Sociologie de l'enseignement secondaire français
Sociology of French secondary education
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales

Ana Dias-Chiaruttini, Joaquim Dolz
Repères, n°68/2023-2
Nouveaux objets et nouveaux contextes d'enseignement de l'oral
New objects and new contexts in the teaching of oral language
Where do we stand with the teaching of oral language? This issue of Repères, devoted to new objects and new contexts in the teaching of oral language, aims to take stock of the progress made in this area, across countries, and through design research and the analysis of teaching practices.

Xavier Pons, Sylvain Doussot

Cédric Frétigné, Stéphanie Rubi

Laurent Besse
Histoire de l'éducation, n°160/2023
École et éducation populaire en France depuis la fin du XIXe siècle
School and popular education in France since the End of the 19th Century
Since the end of the 19th c., schools, especially primary schools, have been surrounded by a network of associations that complement compulsory schooling: in addition to adult classes, there are youth clubs, holiday camps, educational films and leisure activities. What influence does this have on the school?

Xavier Pons
Revue française de pédagogie, n°218/2023
Déconcentration et territorialisation de l'État en éducation : les nouveaux visages des académies
This issue is the first to address the question of the regulatory changes currently at work in the French system at the "académie" level, the administrative divisions of the Ministry of Education headed by decentralised state authorities.

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