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Paul Bacot, Valérie Bonnet, François Genton
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°124/2020
Chanter le collectif
Singing the collective
Among all the songs that celebrate and objectify the existence of a human collective, anthems occupy a prominent place, but not an exclusive one. This dossier deals with the conditions of their emergence, their linguistic and musical characteristics, their transformations and their multiple social uses.

Marc André
Femmes dévoilées. Des Algériennes en France à l'heure de la décolonisation
Women unveiled. Algerian women in France in the age of decolonisation
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
It examines the itineraries of Algerian women who migrated to France and more specifically to Lyon, before their own country gained independence. This study traces back to a female immigration and prove that these women were full-fledged actors of their history. This dual dynamic led to the establishment of plural identities, between two countries.

Colette Collomb-Boureau
Les sœurs Grimké
Grimké sisters : from antislavery to woman's rights
De l'antiesclavagisme aux droits de la femme
from antislavery to woman's rights
Les fondamentaux du féminisme anglo-saxon
This volume provides the French translation of the Grimké sisters' writings published during the short period of their active involvement in the cause of abolitionism (1834-1838. She had a decisive impact on the upsurge of the first wave of American feminism.

Denis Barbet
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°110/2016
Le geste, emblème politique
The gesture, political symbol
Instead gestures which are themselves "activist" – in their usage, their variations, their interpretations and the remarks they elicit – are the object of this dossier, as opposed to individual movements, fleeting, isolated, of particular political actors; even if the latter gestures have taken on a “symbolic” signification.