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Jean-Toussaint Desanti, David Wittmann, Jacques Deschamps, Dominique Pradelle
La croisée des chemins

Philippe Sabot
Le Même et l'Ordre
The Same and the Order
Michel Foucault et le savoir à l'âge classique
Michel Foucault and the classical Knowledge
La croisée des chemins
This book intends rather to highlight the nature of Foucault's archaeological approach, he refers himself to a "history of the order of things" and to a "thought of the Same", which classical knowledge focuses issues.

Philippe Chevallier
La croisée des chemins

Philippe Chevallier
Michel Foucault et le christianisme
Michel Foucault and Christianity
Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée
La croisée des chemins
What traces has Christianity left in our lives? This question runs through Foucault's work, from research on modern confession to that on Antiquity. This book offers the first synthesis of it. Far from the usual ascetic image, Foucault makes Christianity a fragile relationship with the truth.

Yves Citton, Lise Dumasy
Le moment idéologique
Littérature et sciences de l'homme
La croisée des chemins

Catherine Volpilhac-Auger
Montesquieu : une histoire de temps
Montesquieu : a story of time
La croisée des chemins
Fifteen articles, several of which are unpublished, enable an overview of the complete works of Montesquieu in all their dimensions. What does the genesis of his works tell us? Rediscover Montesquieu in his time and in the long haul of history; revealed by the succession of readings, sometimes contradictory, which have been given.

Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
La naissance de l'anti-hégélianisme
The Birth of Anti-Hegelianism
Louis Althusser et Michel Foucault, lecteurs de Hegel
Louis Althusser and Michel Foucault, readers of Hegel
La croisée des chemins
Against a simplistic view of Louis Althusser's and Michel Foucault’s anti-Hegelianism during the 1960s, the book goes through the early works of these philosophers to shed a light on the importance of Hegel for the elaboration of their problematic. the book aims to explain how they elaborated their thought by an immanent critique of Hegelianism.

Raynald Belay, Claire Marin
De la nature à l'esprit
Études sur la philosophie française du XIXe siècle

Renaud Garcia
La nature de l'entraide
The biological basis of anarchism in Peter Kropotkin's thought
Pierre Kropotkine et les fondements biologiques de l'anarchisme
La croisée des chemins
We intend to show in this book how, at the end of the nineteenth century, the russian scientist and anarchist P. Kropotkin (1842-1921) waged a fight against social-darwinism, which used darwinian's natural selection model in order to justify social inequality.

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