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Marthe Fradet-Hannoyer, Marie-France Bishop
Repères, n°67/2023-1
Quelles mutations dans le champ de la didactique du français, à l'école primaire ?
What changes are taking place in the teaching of the French language in primary schools?
This dossier examines how the teaching of French deals with the question of changes in education. Work in this area which observes and analyses these changes lies at the center of this discussion, which is as much about learning and teaching issues as those of training.

Anthony Pecqueux, Perrine Poupin, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, hors-série 2022
L'interdisciplinarité « en effet » : sciences sociales, sciences naturelles
Interdisciplinarity "in effect": Social sciences, natural sciences
This special issue of the journal Tracés focuses on interdisciplinary practices across the social sciences and natural sciences. we sought to reflect on ways of practising interdisciplinarity across disciplines whose research objects, methods, epistemologies and theoretical references seem to differ significantly

Nicolas Décamp, Denise Orange-Ravachol
RDST, n°27/2023
L'évaluation et l'enseignement des sciences et des technologies
Assessment and teaching of science and technologies
The question of evaluation is particularly present and lively in educational systems. Yet, paradoxically, it does not appear to be a subject of primary importance in science and technology education research. This issue of RDST attempts to take stock of what this research has to say on this subject.

Patricia Champy-Remoussenard, sylvain Starck
Recherche et formation, n°97/2021
Comment et pourquoi l'éducation à l'esprit d'entreprendre questionne l'évolution du système éducatif français ?
How and why entrepreneurship education questions the evolution of the French education system
The issue questions the forms and challenges of the development of entrepreneurship education and the transformations that its implementation implies for the education system and its actors (discourses, skills, activities, professionalism).

Stéphane Bonnery, Paul Pasquali
Revue française de pédagogie, n°217/2022
« Le "métier d'enfant" » 50 ans après : penser l'éducation et la socialisation avec Jean-Claude Chamboredon
"Le 'métier d'enfant'"50 years after: Thinking education and socialisation with Jean-Claude Chamboredon
Fifty years ago, Jean-Claude Chamboredon and Jean Prévot published "Le 'métier d'enfant'", a seminal article followed by other publications on early childhood and, more generally, on socialisation at different stages of life. This special issue mobilise concepts, problems and approaches that are inspired by these publications and aim to update them

Lydie Heurdier
Histoire de l'éducation, n°159/2023
Regards historiques sur 40 ans de politique d'éducation prioritaire en France (1981-2020)
Historical perspectives on 40 years of priority education policy in France (1981-2020)
Priority education is 40 years old. All actors in urban and rural areas had to mobilize, work in inter-degrees and in partnership to fight school failure. The complexity and diversity of this education policy with a social purpose is reflected in contributions based on local sources.

Xavier Pons, Sylvain Doussot

Christine Boutevin, Marie-Sylvie Claude
Repères, n°66/2022-2
Commentaire, commentaires
Literary commentary, litterary commentaries
This dossier examines text commentary, defined either in a broad sense as a kind of metatextual discourse, which brings together different forms of writing about reading, or as a specifically standardised examination test, in different contexts. It considers what kind of reader these various exercises are likely to create.

Françoise Laot, Emmanuel (de) Lescure
Revue française de pédagogie, n°215/2022
Éducations militantes, formations au militantisme
Activist education, activist training
Activism is often conceived of as a form of schooling per se, but what it teaches is hardly perceptible. The issues of activism and engagement have particularly captured the attention of sociologists of politics, but few studies are devoted to activist training.The aim of this dossier is to grasp the diversity of learning forms produced by activism

Eric Bruillard, Martine Paindorge
RDST, n°26/2022
Les ressources pour l'enseignement des sciences et des technologies
Resources for science and technology education
This issue is interesting to a didactic approach to the educational resources that science or technology teachers use or design. Three articles focus on the work that teachers do on and with resources and the perception they have of them.

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