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Jérôme Heurtaux, Rachel Renault, Federico Tarragoni
Tracés, n°44/2023-1
États de crise
States of crisis
How does a crisis come into being, exist and pass? In response to these classical questions of the social sciences, this issue of Tracés takes a step aside by examining "states of crisis", i.e., the scholarly and ordinary procedures by which a given situation, in different social worlds, is qualified as "critical" and objectified as a crisis.

Agathe Bernier-Monod
Les fondateurs
Reconstruire la République après le nazisme
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
How to reestablish democracy after nazism? Where to begin with in a destroyed, occupied and divided country? On which experience rely? In 1945, a handful of trained politicians, both men and women, who had survived war and persecution, initiated the rebuilding of institutions.

Ludovic Frobert
Vers l'égalité, ou au-delà ?
Towards equality or beyond?
Essai sur l'aube du socialisme
Essay on the dawn of socialism
Gouvernement en question(s)
Today when the objective of a rigorous calculation of merits, renamed equal opportunity or equity, has become not only the dominant value but sometimes the unique value of a dying socialism, it may be appropriate to carry out A journey through time. This short essay therefore proposes a return to the origins of socialism.

Michaël Assous, Paul Fourchard
Michal Kalecki et l'essor de la macroéconomie
Michal Kalecki and the rise of macroéconomics
Suivi de « Trois systèmes » de Michal Kalecki
Followed by « Trois systèmes » by Michal Kalecki

Pierre Charbonnier, Daniela Festa, Yaël Kreplak, Christelle Rabier, Pierre Saint-Germier
Tracés, hors-série 2016
Traduire et introduire
Translating and introducing
This special issue of Tracés originates in the idea that although the work of many foreign scholars is accessible to French academics, it is not equally read and debated. This special issue is thus structured around the translation, cliometics and a theory of common in an interdisciplinary perspective (sociology, linguistics, semiotics and art).

Élisée Reclus
L'Homme et la Terre
Livre 1 : Les ancêtres - Livre 2 : Histoire ancienne
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales

Jacqueline Léon
Histoire de l'automatisation des sciences du langage
History of the computerization of the language sciences
The book aims at studying the history of the mathematization computerization of the language sciences, in the wake of the first mathematization of the 1930s. Two stages can be distinguished : machine translation in the 1950s, and computerized corpora in the 1990s with the unprecedented development of computers.