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Tracés, hors-série 2016

Tracés, hors-série 2016

Traduire et introduire


Translating and introducing

This special issue of Tracés originates in the idea that although the work of many foreign scholars is (more or less) accessible to French academics, it is not equally read and debated. This special issue is thus structured around the translation of original papers and chapters by foreign scholars, which have been selected by the editorial team as illustrative of a lack of adequate reception of certain works, and divided into three thematic sections.

The first section is dedicated to Charles Goodwin's work. A professor at UCLA, Goodwin is famous as a linguist anthropologist for his pioneering research on situated action and for his studies of interaction. The four articles deal more specifically with his latest work on what is referred to as the principle of co-operation, in an interdisciplinary perspective (sociology, linguistics, semiotics and art).

A second section stages a methodological debate in economic history, prompted Francesco Boldizzoni's 2011 book, The Poverty of Clio : Resurrecting Economic History. This section includes the French translation of the first chapter of the book about the birth of cliometrics in the middle of the twentieth century and the discussion of its thesis by French practitioners of economic history.

The third section is devoted to the commons in Italy. It demonstrates the originality of a theory of common goods elaborated by scholars in Italy where political struggles and initiatives have fuelled alternative conceptions of the relationships between law and politics. The papers collected in this section analyse current social transformations and the way the law tentatively reflects them.