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Marie Fabre, Corinne Manchio, Béatrice Manetti, Francesca Irene Sensini
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°28/2022
"Un roman de formation collectif". Les revues féministes en Italie des années 1970 à nos jours
"A collective Bildungsroman". Feminist magazines in Italy from the 1970s to the present day
This issue of Laboratoire italien follows a previous one devoted to Voices and Paths of Feminism in Women's Magazines (1870-1970). It provides an initial appraisal of Italian feminist magazines from the 1970s to the digital turn of the new millennium and the transnational dimension of contemporary feminisms.

Ophélie Rillon, Michelle Zancarini-Fournel
Le genre de la lutte
Gender of struggle
Une autre histoire du Mali contemporain (1956-1991)
Another history of contemporary Mali (1956-1991)
Perspectives genre
the book offers a novel analysis of the gendered dynamics that permeate the forms of collective action and the way in which commitment contributes to changing gender relations in contemporary Mali. From decolonisation in 1960 to 1991 revolution, four decades of social and political struggles have shaped the country's highly non-consensual history.

Jean-Louis Fournel, Corinne Lucas Fiorato
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°25/2020
Mots et gestes dans l'Italie de la Renaissance
Words and gestures in Early Modern Italy
This issue explores a little-studied aspect of works about the body: the interactions between the two semiotic systems of verbal language and gesture, an aspect of body language. In their interferences, from the 16th century onwards, a profound transformation of the social and individual functions of the "visibile parlare" took place