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Delphine Antoine-Mahut, André Charrak, Pierre Girard, Marina Mestre-Zaragoza
La raison au travail, 1
Reason at work, 1
Pour une histoire rationnelle des idées
For a rational history of ideas
Hors Collection
Pierre-François Moreau, author of Spinoza: l'expérience et l'éternité (1994) and Problèmes du spinozisme (2006), has initiated a spectacular revival of a rational history of ideas, thanks in particular to his studies of Spinoza. This volume, the first of two dedicated to his work, brings together original contributions by historians of philosophy.

Raphaële Andrault, Mogens Lærke
La raison au travail, 2
Reason at work, 2
Traversées du spinozisme
Crossings into Spinozism
Hors Collection
With Spinoza : l'expérience et l'éternité (1994) and Problèmes du spinozisme (2006), among other works, Pierre-François Moreau has inspired a spectacular renewal of Spinozism, in France and abroad. This edited volume gathers a series of original contributions dedicated to Moreau’s work on Spinoza.

Audrey Roig, Anne-Gaëlle Toutain, Armance Neveu
Concert mondial de linguistique française
Mondial concert of french linguistics
Mélanges offerts à Franck Neveu
In honour of Franck Neveu
This tribute volume to the French linguist Franck Neveu brings together contributions on the history and epistemology of linguistics, on French and comparative, synchronic and diachronic syntax and semantics, as well as on dialectology, text genetics, cognitive linguistics, text linguistics and enunciative linguistics.