Français | English
La raison au travail, 2

La raison au travail, 2

Traversées du spinozisme

Edited by Raphaële Andrault, Mogens Lærke

Hors Collection

Reason at work, 2
Crossings into Spinozism

In the field of history of philosophy, Pierre-François Moreau's work is characterised by four fundamental methodological requirements : the necessity to undertake philological work before engaging in philosophical work ; the establishment of a complex dialectic between the internal constitution of the systematic meaning of texts and their openness toward the context of composition ; a special interest in the reception of Spinozism and the philosophical fertility of the texts beyond their initial context ; and, finally, a constant engagement with traditions of Spinozist commentary outside of France. Through these requirements, Pierre-François Moreau has shaped several generations of Spinozists, in France and abroad. This volume which gathers previously unpublished contributions attempts to outline the contours of this school of commentary which has been one of the determining forces of a spectacular renewal of Spinozism in recent years.