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Léa Palet, Jean-Gabriel Contamin, Tristan Haute, Igor Martinache, Stéphan Mierzejewski
Revue française de pédagogie, n°221/2023
Retour sur les (dés)engagements enseignants
Focus on teachers' (dis)engagements
From a socio-historical perspective, this issue proposes to analyse from different angles the changing relationship between teachers and their profession in the light of the social and institutional transformations they are facing. It looks at the notion of teacher engagement or disengagement, distinguishing between the different dimension involved

Francis Lebon, Frédéric Torterat
Recherche et formation, n°94/2020
Approches de la formation en travail social
Training approaches in Social Work
This issue deals with several aspects of training to and through research in the field of Social Work. It examines the logics of recognition and emancipation, the controversies, but also the contexts of emergence of a field within a global movement of mutations of the relevant professions in our contemporary societies.

Bernadette Kervyn, Catherine Brissaud
Repères, n°52/2015
Lecture et écriture: les choix des enseignants au début de l'école élémentaire
How to make recommendations regarding reading and writing at the beginning of primary school without knowing teachers' practices, without measuring the efficiency of their practices, without seizing the complexity of early learnings? And how to document teachers' choices?

Frédéric Saussez
Recherche et formation, n°75/2014
Analyse de l'activité des enseignants débutants et vidéoformation
Analysis of the work of beginning teachers and the use of classroom videos in teacher education
Through the presentation and discussion of the Neopass@ction platform, this special issue questions different modes of conceptualization of the teaching activity organizers, to provide some reading keys to teacher educators interested in using this platform or other resources produced in the field of ergonomics analysis of teaching activity.