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Recherche et formation, n°75/2014

Analyse de l'activité des enseignants débutants et vidéoformation

Edited by Frédéric Saussez

Recherche et formation

Analysis of the work of beginning teachers and the use of classroom videos in teacher education

In France, the injunction to further anchor the teacher education in the realities of the work was stated with the establishment of ESPE. Nevertheless, taking into account the real work remains problematic for many teacher educators. Yet the ergonomics analysis of teaching activity (EATA) has contributed over the past 20 years to uncover teacher daily work in the classroom and the school: gestures and working operations, challenges and ways to cope with these ones, etc. The EATA has also given rise to new conceptualizations of learning to teach and professional development and to the production of various resources for educating teachers. However, these developments raise different issues concerning the didactization of work. This special issue is intended to highlight them. Through the presentation and discussion of the Neopass@ction platform, its goal is to question different modes of conceptualization of the teaching activity organizers. The aim is to provide some reading keys to teacher educators interested in using this platform or other resources produced in the field of ergonomics analysis of teaching activity.