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Journal : Tracés
Revue de Sciences humaines
Founded by Paul Costey and Arnaud Fossier

Tracés: Revue de Sciences Humaines publishes research in the social sciences in two themed issues per year and a handful of special editions. These issues focus on an old debate that has taken a new turn due to current editorial or political circumstances, takes an idea that the various intellectual traditions and disciplines would usually address in isolation and submits it to examination from multiple perspectives, or explores an emerging field of thought. Tracés claims a true pluralism, as attested to by the variety of themes and approaches it publishes. The journal's editorial committee is made up of young researchers from various disciplines and pursues a strong interdisciplinary project. This is manifested in the selection of articles, notes, translations, and interviews that make up each of the issues.

• 3 issues per year
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Pierre Charbonnier, Daniela Festa, Yaël Kreplak, Christelle Rabier, Pierre Saint-Germier
Tracés, hors-série 2016
Traduire et introduire
Translating and introducing
This special issue of Tracés originates in the idea that although the work of many foreign scholars is accessible to French academics, it is not equally read and debated. This special issue is thus structured around the translation, cliometics and a theory of common in an interdisciplinary perspective (sociology, linguistics, semiotics and art).

Adrien Chassain, Pauline Clochec, Gilles Guilhem Couffignal, Chloé Le Meur, Marc Lenormand, Marine Trégan
Tracés, n°30/2016
L'expérience minoritaire
The minority experience
Calling on the notion of experience to approach minority groups aims at keeping at bay any assumption of passivity regarding minority groups. . The authors collected the material for their research on minority groups through semi-structured interviews, through ethnographical surveys, in judicial archives.

Thomas Angeletti, Aurélien Berlan
Tracés, n°29/2015
Convoquer les êtres collectifs
Bringing Collective Entities Back In
The empirical and theoretical articles in this special issue examine the modes of existence of collective entities when they are conceived as actors.

Anaïs Albert, Fanny Gallot, Sonia Goldblum, Marc Lenormand
Tracés, hors-série 2015
Traduire et introduire. Mahmood/Schmitz/Donaldson/Kymlicka
Translating and introducing. Mahmood/Schmitz/Donaldson/Kymlicka
This special issue is structured around the translation of original papers and chapters by foreign scholars, which have been selected by the editorial team as illustrative of a lack of adequate reception of certain works. Each translation is accompanied with a series of original papers.

Natalia La Valle, Barbara Turquier, Bruno Vétel
Tracés, n°28/2015
Matières à jouer

Guillaume Calafat, Arnaud Fossier, Pierre Thévenin
Tracés, n°27/2014
Penser avec le droit

Olivier Allard, Guillaume Calafat, Natalia La Valle
Tracés, hors-série 2014
Traduire et introduire : Calveiro / Smail / Strathern

Samuel Hayat, Camille Paloque-Bergès

Hourya Bentouhami, Marc Lenormand
Tracés, n°25/2013
Éducation : émancipation ?

Guillaume Calafat, Cécile Lavergne, Éric Monnet
Tracés, hors-série 2013
Philosophies et sciences sociales

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