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· Astérion. Philosophie, histoire des idées, pensée politique

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Jacques-Louis Lantoine, Pierre-François Moreau
L'intelligence de la pratique
The Intelligence of Practice
Le concept de disposition chez Spinoza
The Concept of Disposition in Spinoza
La croisée des chemins
Unlike traditional and contemporary approches of dispositions, the philosophy of Spinoza proposes a deterministic and actualist definition. This book highlights the originality of this definition and shows that the concept is crucial for the philosophy of practice and anthropology of Spinoza.

Charles T. Wolfe, Pierre-François Moreau
Lire le matérialisme
Reading Materialism
La croisée des chemins
These essays focus on the problem of materialism in the history of philosophy, in different contexts, some classic, some less so (mind-body relations, the status of the brain, the issue of atheism, but also, dreams, embodiment; laughter and the emergence of a "new materialism" in contemporary thought)

Louis Couturat, Michel Fichant
Logique, mathématiques, langue universelle
Logic, mathematics and universal language
Anthologie, 1893-1917
Anthology, 1893-1917
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales
Logic, mathematics and universal language brings together thirty-nine articles written by Louis Couturat (1868-1914) on the philosophy of logic, mathematics and language.

Alain Patrick Olivier, Maiwenn Roudaut, Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch
Nouvelles perspectives pour la reconnaissance
New Perspectives in Recognition Theory
Lectures et enquêtes
Readings and Investigations
La croisée des chemins
This volume introduces the reader to contemporary debates on recognition; examines the strength of the theories and arguments that shape these debates; analyzes the historical origins of the paradigm of recognition; and discusses the critical potential of recognition theories.

Francesco Toto, Théophile Pénigaud, Emmanuel Renault
La reconnaissance avant la reconnaissance
The Recognition before Recognition
Archéologie d'une problématique moderne
Archaeology of a Modern Concept
La croisée des chemins

Pierre-François Moreau, Raffaele Carbone, Chantal Jaquet
À la croisée des interprétations
At the Crossroads of Interpretations
La croisée des chemins
The relationship between Spinoza's and Malebranche's philosophies has rarely been approached head-on in a speculative comparison which explores both the ontology and theory of knowledge and ethics and politics. This book offers new research on this subject.

Claude Gautier
Voir et connaître la société
Seeing and Knowing the Society
Regarder à distance dans les Lumières écossaises
Observing at Distance during the Scottish Enlightenment
La croisée des chemins

Sophie Audidière, Antoine Janvier
« Il faut éduquer les enfants… »
"Children have to be educated…"
L'idéologie de l'éducation en question
Questioning the ideology of education
La croisée des chemins
The sentence "children have to be educated…" seems all at once like a foregone conclusion, an injunction and an ideal. It seems obvious to adhere to what seems to be an anthropological invari-ant. However, this work proposes another perspective based on philosophical and historical studies of two major periods.

Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch, Alain Patrick Olivier, Maiwenn Roudaut
La croisée des chemins

Christophe Cusset
Aitia, 11.1/2021
Recherches sur Hérodas/Hérondas
Research on Herodas
The work of Herodas, which emphasizes a learned culture, the crossing of genres and brevity, is at the heart of Hellenistic aesthetics. This volume brings together several articles which aim to highlight certain specific characteristics of the art of this poet, who has been rediscovered relatively recently

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