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Sylvain Doussot, Xavier Pons

Patrice Venturini, Jean-Marie Boilevin
RDST, n°23/2021
État des recherches sur la formation des enseignants de sciences et de technologies
State of research on science and technology teacher education
No one disputes the need today for lifelong learning to cope with the quick changes in our societies and their ever-increasing complexity. Science and technology teachers are no exception to this, and their training partly conditions the gration of their pupils into the society in which they will live. This issue is devoted to this aspect.

Francis Lebon, Frédéric Torterat
Recherche et formation, n°94/2020
Approches de la formation en travail social
Training approaches in Social Work
This issue deals with several aspects of training to and through research in the field of Social Work. It examines the logics of recognition and emancipation, the controversies, but also the contexts of emergence of a field within a global movement of mutations of the relevant professions in our contemporary societies.

Anne Jusseaume, Sarah Scholl
Histoire de l'éducation, n°155/2021
Les transmissions religieuses face à la sécularisation
Religious Transmissions in the Secular Age
this special issue analyses the methods by which the various aspects of religious tradition and heritage are transmitted, in particular but not exclusively in Catholic milieus, by enlarging the perspective relative to educational institutions.

Pierre-Yves Bernard
Revue française de pédagogie, n°211/2021
Les décrochages scolaires : des situations aux parcours
Dropping out: From situations to pathways
This dossier sets out to examine the pathways of young people who have left school without obtaining at least a school-leaving qualification. Beyond these situations which are institutionally termed "dropping out", it is their pathways which are analysed here, based on surveys conducted with these young people.

Sylvie Plane, Fanny Rinck
Repères, n°63/2021
La place de la vulgarisation dans la culture professionnelle des enseignants
Popularisation in the professional culture of teachers
This issue of Repères focuses on popularisation and its dissemination in a context where the teaching and learning of French is the subject of heterogeneous discourses. The question of popularisation is approached in terms of transmission, interpretation and appropriation, and through its role as an instrument of the professional culture of teacher

Rita Hofstetter, Solenn Huitric
Histoire de l'éducation, n°154/2020
Regards sur l'histoire de l'éducation, une perspective internationale
Looking at History of Education, an international perspective
History of education is a rich field of study whose outlines vary and retrospective analysis may contribute to strengthening critical thinking. The articles in this special issue work towards this by studying research in this field and its evolution in France, Spain, Britain, Portugal and the Baltic States.

Xavier Pons, Sylvain Doussot

Joël Bisault, Yann Lhoste
RDST, n°22/2020
Les sciences et les technologies pour les élèves de 2 à 6 ans
Science and technology education for 2 to 6 year olds
Research on the scientific and technological education of very young pupils has been developing significantly in recent years in France and in other countries. However, this research is still limited compared to that on older pupils. The articles provide some answers in these three directions, and also point to questions that are still open;

Tracés, Camille Noûs
Tracés, n°39/2020
Documenter l'université qui lutte
Documenting the struggling university
2020 was a special year in many ways: Covid-19, but also the strong mobilization against the Research Programming Law in France. It was important for us to make a mobilized issue that would report on what happened during this unusual year.

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