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· Astérion. Philosophie, histoire des idées, pensée politique

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Claude Gautier, Emmanuel Renault
Astérion, n°27/2022-2
Critique et sciences sociales
Critique and social sciences
In light of heated recent debates about neutrality and scientificity in social sciences, this issue seizes the opportunity to reconsider the terms of epistemological and political arguments concerning the relationships between critique and social sciences.

Sophie Aubert-Baillot, Christophe Cusset, Gweltaz Guyomarc'h
Aitia, n°12/2022
Lectures du livre III des Entretiens d'Epictète
Interpretations of Epictetus' Discourses, Book 3
Through an approach that brings together contributors from various specialties, this volume, which is the result of international meetings in ancient philosophy, seeks to give an account of Epictetus' thought in all its richness by examining the historical, rhetorical and philosophical issues at stake in Epictetus' Discourses, Book 3.

Christophe Bouton, Emmanuel Renault
Lire la Phénoménologie de l'esprit de Hegel
A reader to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
La croisée des chemins
This book, reconstructing the various stages of the development of Hegel's thought in the Phenomenology of Spirit. Each contribution elaborates a synthetic commentary of a chapter or sub-chapter. The main objective is to help the reader understanding these chapters and their interconnections.

Félix Barancy
Astérion , n°26/2022-1
Entre politique et philosophie : l'édition des philosophes « classiques » en France au XIXe siècle
Between politics and philosophy: Editing classical "philosophers" in 19th century France

Sylvia Giocanti
Anthropologie sceptique et modernité
Skeptical anthropology and modernity
La croisée des chemins
Scepticism is a philosophical current in which doubt is neither a discomfort to be overcome, nor an artifice located at the beginning of an investigation aiming at its own overcoming, but a way of speaking and of standing in existence. What does such a position imply on the anthropological level?

Sophie Audidière, Antoine Janvier
« Il faut éduquer les enfants… »
"Children have to be educated…"
L'idéologie de l'éducation en question
Questioning the ideology of education
La croisée des chemins
The sentence "children have to be educated…" seems all at once like a foregone conclusion, an injunction and an ideal. It seems obvious to adhere to what seems to be an anthropological invari-ant. However, this work proposes another perspective based on philosophical and historical studies of two major periods.

Dominique Demange
Astérion, n°25/2021
Philosophies de la vision
Philosophies of vision
This issue is devoted to the study of the question of sensory (ocular) vision in the philosophical tradition from Plato to recent theories on Artificial Intelligence.

Marine Bedon, Jacques-Louis Lantoine
L'homme et la brute au XVIIe siècle
Human and brute in 17th century.
Une éthique animale à l'âge classique ?
An animal ethics in early modern philosophy?
La croisée des chemins
The book questions the representations, debates and arguments supported by the authors of the 17th century about the relationship between men and beasts, also called "brutes" at that time. No animal ethics appears in their writings, but this absence cannot be related to the mere expression of irrational prejudices.

Sandrine Alexandre
Philosophie du tir à l'arc
Essai sur la conception stoïcienne de la valeur
La croisée des chemins

Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
La naissance de l'anti-hégélianisme
The Birth of Anti-Hegelianism
Louis Althusser et Michel Foucault, lecteurs de Hegel
Louis Althusser and Michel Foucault, readers of Hegel
La croisée des chemins
Against a simplistic view of Louis Althusser's and Michel Foucault’s anti-Hegelianism during the 1960s, the book goes through the early works of these philosophers to shed a light on the importance of Hegel for the elaboration of their problematic. the book aims to explain how they elaborated their thought by an immanent critique of Hegelianism.

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