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Valérie Sala Pala

Nicolas Escach, Benoît Goffin
De la Baltique à la mer Noire
From the Baltic to the Black Sea
Saint-Pétersbourg - Narva - Riga - Daugavpils - Minsk - Kiev - Odessa - Sébastopol - Sotchi - Tbilissi
Odyssée, villes-portraits

Ariane Azéma, Pierre Champollion, Dominique Coursodon, Leila Frouillou, Magali Hardouin, Christine Lauer, Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
Éducation et territoire : inégalités ou diversité ?
Education and territoriality : inequality or diversity?
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson
This book brings together researchers specializing in the relationship between education and its territories, from rural schools to universities, as well as education officials, at national and local levels, who have been particularly involved in the territorial dimension of education.

Samuel Depraz, Ute Cornec, Ulrike Grabski-Kieron
Acceptation sociale et développement des territoires
Spatial development and social acceptance
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
The notion of social acceptance is omnipresent in spatial planning policies. Impact assessments, participative policies, good governance practices or the social sustainability of planning projects implicitly reveal the importance of such a concern. This book aims at bringing to the light the acceptability criteria of spatial development projects.