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Cyrille Ferraton
« Qu'est-ce que l'économie ? ». L'approche herméneutique de Robert L. Heilbroner
"What is economics?" Robert L. Heilbroner's hermeneutical approach
This book is a detailed presentation of the economic ideas of Robert Heilbroner, author of the bestseller The Worldly Philosophers (1953), which has sold millions of copies and been translated into more than twenty languages. It also includes two translated texts by Robert Heilbroner that provide a good introduction to his thought.

Ludovic Frobert
Vers l'égalité, ou au-delà ?
Towards equality or beyond?
Essai sur l'aube du socialisme
Essay on the dawn of socialism
Gouvernement en question(s)
Today when the objective of a rigorous calculation of merits, renamed equal opportunity or equity, has become not only the dominant value but sometimes the unique value of a dying socialism, it may be appropriate to carry out A journey through time. This short essay therefore proposes a return to the origins of socialism.