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Eleonore Lépinard, Oriane Sarrasin, Lavinia Gianettoni
Genre et islamophobie
Discriminations, préjugés et représentations en Europe
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
Gender is a central feature in debates about Islam and Muslim immigrant's integration in European countries. By centering on the gendered dimensions of islamophobia, this edited volume contributes to document this phenomenon – its social processes and its dominant representations.

Émilie Devriendt, Michèle Monte, Marion Sandré
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°116/2018
Dire ou ne pas dire la « race » en France aujourd'hui
The R-word: talking/not talking about race in France today
The use of "race", which spans labelling and identification processes, is debated in France today, whether the term race is used or when the concept is activated. This dossier examines the derms of the debate and analyses how “race” is being talked about or not in some political or media discourses.