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Search results for "médicalization" 1 to 2 of 2

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Lucile Ruault
Le spéculum, la canule et le miroir
Speculum, cannula and mirror
Avorter au MLAC, une histoire entre féminisme et médecine
Abortion at MLAC, a story of feminism and medicine
Perspectives genre
This book proposes a sociohistory of the social control of women's bodies from the perspective of the mobilizations for free abortion from 1972 to 1984 in France. It examines the medicalization of a procedure through the exclusion of lay women and at the same time the feminist appropriation of abortion knowledge.

Laurine Thizy, Justine Vincent, Sinem Gunes, Irem Nihan Balci, Christine Détrez
Les usages sociaux de l'argument biologique en santé
Social uses of the biological argument in health
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
This book, is based on ethnographic field studies deals with the phenomena of "biologization" in the field of health, i.e. with all situations where biological causality prevails in the explanation of human health, to the detriment of other interpretations. To what ends, and with what effects?