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Marie-Claude Penloup, Bernadette Kervyn, Véronique Miguel Addisu
Repères, n°65/2022
Élèves plurilingues en classes ordinaires : outils et questions pour la didactique du français
Multilingual students in mainstream classes: tools and issues for the teaching of the French language
This issue focuses on the teaching of the French Language, the teaching of languages and sociolinguistics. It brings together current research on multilingualism in so-called monolingual classes, classroom practices and related training. The implications for inclusion and effective teaching are huge.

Gilles Siouffi
Le sentiment linguistique chez Saussure
Saussure's linguistic feeling
This book draws the attention on a concept that has so far been little studied by the great linguist Ferdinand de Saussure: that of linguistic sentiment. He specifies its origins, studies its inflexions in all the textual materials available today, and shows its potential in linguistic analysis.

Hugues de Chanay, Yannick Chevalier, Laure Gardelle
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°113/2017
Écrire le genre
How to Write the Gender
Equal rights for men and women, regularly reaffirmed by the regulations and feminist demands, requires a political speech, involving a balanced gender representation. How concretely put into practice, in France, in the absence of strong institutional recommendations?