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Michaël Pouteyo, Michel Chauvière
Fernand Deligny, enfant et institution
Fernand Deligny, child and institution
Pour une histoire de l'enfance en marge
A history of childhood on the margins
La croisée des chemins
While the 19th century put children in school, the first half of the 20th focused on those who didn't go. By examining the trajectory and work of Fernand Deligny (1913-1996), schoolteacher, educator and writer, this book aims to redraw this history. this philosophical investigation aims to better situate Deligny's place.

Véronique Rivière, Nathalie Blanc
Observer la multimodalité en situations éducatives : circulations entre recherche et formation
Observing Multimodality in educational contexts : relationships between research and training
Éducation et savoirs en société
If multimodal components of communication are studied for a long time in different scientific fields and provide now relevant frameworks for the analysis of social signification, of the organisation of interaction and share of cognition, this book offers to consider them in their relation to professional training in educational contexts.