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Anissa Belhadjin, Marie-France Bishop
Repères, n°64/2021
Lire des œuvres en extraits, quels enjeux pour l'enseignement de la littérature ?
Reading works of literature in the form of extracts, what are the implications for literature teaching?
Based on the observation that extracts have implications for the teaching of literature and the selection of works for study in schools, this dossier seeks to ascertain the relationships which are established between a work and extracts from it. These different articles, we discover how extracts reveal the challenges involved in teaching literature

Alain Beitone, Géraldine Farges, Céline Granger, Frédérique Jarre, Pierre Périer, Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
Le métier d'enseignant : une identité introuvable ?
What identity for the teaching profession ?
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson
The "teaching world" is an object of long-standing social and political fantasy. This book both reviews sociological knowledge about the teaching world and provides concrete examples of the challenge of teachers' professional identity.