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Hugues de Chanay, Yannick Chevalier, Laure Gardelle
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°113/2017
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How to Write the Gender
Equal rights for men and women, regularly reaffirmed by the regulations and feminist demands, requires a political speech, involving a balanced gender representation. How concretely put into practice, in France, in the absence of strong institutional recommendations?

Ludovic Frobert
Vers l'égalité, ou au-delà ?
Towards equality or beyond?
Essai sur l'aube du socialisme
Essay on the dawn of socialism
Gouvernement en question(s)
Today when the objective of a rigorous calculation of merits, renamed equal opportunity or equity, has become not only the dominant value but sometimes the unique value of a dying socialism, it may be appropriate to carry out A journey through time. This short essay therefore proposes a return to the origins of socialism.