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Anne Gagnant de Weck, Alain Ehrenberg
Un divan à Delhi
A couch in Delhi
Psychothérapie et individualisme dans l'Inde contemporaine
Psychotherapy and individualism in contemporary India
De l'Orient à l'Occident
Over the past twenty years, psychotherapies have been booming in Indian society. This book, devoted to the particular case of psychoanalysis in Delhi, Based on a rich ethnography and many case studies describes how this new practice is gradually becoming part of new lifestyles.

Christine Ithurbide
Mumbai hors cadre
Mumbai out-of-frame
Une géographie de l'art contemporain en Inde
A geography of contemporary art in India
De l'Orient à l'Occident
This book proposes to uncover the geography of contemporary art of one of the largest metropolises of Asia Bombay/Mumbai. Through the study of the territorial transformations linked to the processes of globalization, it sheds light on the intimate relationship between the artistic district and a vast network of less visible workers.

Marie-Élise Palmier-Chatelain, Isabelle Gadoin
The aim of the volume is to take a fresh look at this all too clear split between knowledge and dreams, and to attempt to identify to what extent and in which areas the scientific approach has been able to exist in harmony or, conversely, in disharmony with the "Oriental dream".