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Benoît Goffin, Boris Grésillon
Strasbourg, Berlin, Hambourg, Cologne, Majorque, Francfort-sur-Main, Tübingen, Munich, Dresde, Francfort-sur-l'Oder
Odyssée, villes-portraits

Nicolas Escach, Camille Escudé, Benoît Goffin
Qassiarsuk, Nuuk, Reykjavík, Féroé, Copenhague, Tromsø, Longyearbyen, Mourmansk, Kirkenes, Rovaniemi
Odyssée, villes-portraits

Emmanuelle Peyvel
L'invitation au voyage
The Invitation to the Voyage
Géographie post-coloniale du tourisme domestique au Việt Nam
Post-colonial Geography of Domestic Tourism in Việt Nam
De l'Orient à l'Occident
How do we become a tourist? Can we rethink tourism globalization looking at the "arts of doing" of those who invent it today? This book provides a perspective from Việt Nam, a country that is still poor but has observed a significant growth of domestic tourism over the past twenty years.