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François Buton
En déplacement
Le passage des frontières professionnelles en question
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
How might we reconsider retraining and professional mobility? This volume compiles case studies (of physicians, farmers, consultants, etc.) that, by defining 'displacement' (of places, borders, and capital), provide a fresh insight into a significant issue in modern society.

Noëlle Monin, Herilalaina Rakoto-Raharimanana
Recherche et formation, n°90/2019
Nouveaux enseignants, enseignants nouveaux : la reconversion professionnelle dans le système éducatif
Beginning teachers, new teachers: professional reconversion in the educational system
This thematic issue aims at contributing to the understanding of the conversion to the profession of teacher, the place and role of these reconverted teachers in the educational system and the institutional dimension linked to the evolution of the social composition of the teaching staff and teacher training.