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Delphine Antoine-Mahut, André Charrak, Pierre Girard, Marina Mestre-Zaragoza
La raison au travail, 1
Reason at work, 1
Pour une histoire rationnelle des idées
For a rational history of ideas
Hors Collection
Pierre-François Moreau, author of Spinoza: l'expérience et l'éternité (1994) and Problèmes du spinozisme (2006), has initiated a spectacular revival of a rational history of ideas, thanks in particular to his studies of Spinoza. This volume, the first of two dedicated to his work, brings together original contributions by historians of philosophy.

Nathalie Saudo-Welby, Jean-Jacques Lecercle
Jack and Jekyll
La dégénérescence en Grande-Bretagne 1880-1914
Degeneration in Great-Britain 1880-1914
Late nineteenth century Great-Britain was haunted by a fear of degeneration which confusedly merged concerns about morbid heredity, "racial decline" and social pathology. Degeneration discourse became the common ground shared by alarmist pseudo-scientific texts and Gothic fiction.

Catherine Volpilhac-Auger
Montesquieu : une histoire de temps
Montesquieu : a story of time
La croisée des chemins
Fifteen articles, several of which are unpublished, enable an overview of the complete works of Montesquieu in all their dimensions. What does the genesis of his works tell us? Rediscover Montesquieu in his time and in the long haul of history; revealed by the succession of readings, sometimes contradictory, which have been given.