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Pierre Verschueren, Christophe Charle
Des savants aux chercheurs
From Scholars to Researchers.
Les sciences physiques comme métier (1945-1968)
Physical Sciences as Craft (1945-1968)
Éducation et savoirs en société
This book offers a socio-history of the silent revolution that took place between 1945 and 1968 in professional practices in the physical sciences. How did physicists and chemists, most of whom considered themselves to be scholars, became researchers?

Léa Palet, Jean-Gabriel Contamin, Tristan Haute, Igor Martinache, Stéphan Mierzejewski
Revue française de pédagogie, n°221/2023
Retour sur les (dés)engagements enseignants
Focus on teachers' (dis)engagements
From a socio-historical perspective, this issue proposes to analyse from different angles the changing relationship between teachers and their profession in the light of the social and institutional transformations they are facing. It looks at the notion of teacher engagement or disengagement, distinguishing between the different dimension involved

Mathilde Provansal, Christine Détrez
Artistes mais femmes
Artists but women
Une enquête sociologique dans l'art contemporain
A sociological investigation in contemporary art
Perspectives genre
Women artists are less visible than men artists on the contemporary art market. Yet, they are in the majority in art schools. How can we explain this paradox? This book offers a new perspective on gender inequalities in artistic careers by examining the career paths of the graduates of a prestigious French school of visual arts.