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Anne Barrère, Cédric Frétigné
Recherche et formation, n°85/2017
La revue Recherche & formation a 30 ans
The journal Recherche & formation is thirty
This special issue allows to rediscover the journal's main topics since its creation, through four major courses, three interviews and a reading report. Conceived and realized by the current scientific committee, it hopes to be the witness of the continuities and evolutions of its reflection.

Alain Kerlan, Myriam Lemonchois
Recherche et formation, n°86/2017
Projets artistiques et formation des enseignants
Artistic projects and teacher education
Today, art education involves an enlarged teaching community. We can wonder about the existence of a "training effect" related to the particularities of the devices that it introduces in the school, in particular on the teachers. This issue proposes to document and explore the impacts of arts projects on teacher education.

Nicole Tutiaux-Guillon, Marie Verhoeven
Recherche et formation, n°89/2018
Former contre les discriminations (ethno)culturelles
Training teachers to tackle (ethno)cultural discrimination
With variances due to contexts, the training of education personnel has gradually integrated tackling ethnocultural discrimination. Based on research on the school biases that trigger discrimination and on analysis of dedicated training experiences, this issue encourages reflecting on the relevance and efficiency of training contents and devices.

Jean-François Condette
Les recteurs d'académie en France de 1808 à 1940
Tome III - Le recteur, l'École, la nation : entre réalités scolaires locales et politiques éducatives nationales

Marie-Thérèse Frank, Martine Allaire, Xavier Darcos
René Haby par lui-même
Un engagement pour la jeunesse. 1919-2003

Élisabeth Nonnon, Roland Goigoux
Repères, n°35/2007
Les ratés de l'apprentissage de la lecture à l'école et au collège

Marie-Claude Penloup, Yves Reuter, Régine Delamotte-Legrand
Repères, n°53/2016
Décrocher à l'école : la part du français
The school dropout problem: a didactic approach studying the impact of French teaching
This issue of Repères is innovative in that it sets out to plug this gap by addressing the school dropout problem from a didactic perspective, focusing on school subjects and the French language in particular.

Lire le compte rendu du numéro par Pierre Sémidor publié dans Former des maîtres, Supplément au mensuel Le SNESUP n° 648 téléchargeable (PDF) depuis ce lien.

Jacques Crinon, Ana Dias-Chiaruttini
Repères, n°55/2017
Interroger l'efficacité des pratiques d'enseignement de la lecture-écriture au cours préparatoire
Examining the effectiveness of teaching practices pertaining to reading and writing (literacy instruction) in primary school.
What brings about the effectiveness of the teaching of reading and writing at the beginning of compulsory primary schooling? And which practices favour weaker pupils? This edition of the review is resultant from the research "The influence of teaching practices of reading and writing on the quality of learning in the primary school".

Bertrand Daunay, Nathalie Denizot
Repères, n°56/2017
L'exercice de français au primaire et au collège
The Exercises in Primary and Lower Secondary Education
This issue of Repères aims a better understanding of what is meant by exercice in the French tongue classroom, in primary and lower secondary education. More precisely, the matter is to identify what can be the didactic approach to the exercise, which can not be treated independently of the involved contents.

Claire Doquet-Lacoste, Jacques David
Repères, n°57/2018
Collecter, interpréter, enseigner l'écriture. Analyses linguistiques des écrits d'élèves
Collect, interpret, teach the writing. Linguistic analyses of student' papers
This issue of Repères is part of these perspectives and opens up to research with new dimensions for the analysis of student writings, in a dynamic of writing that always includes the process of putting into words.It describes the phenomena of putting into text, in order to understand the relationships between the production of forms and of meaning

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