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· Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson

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Damiano Matasci, Mara Donato Di Paola
Histoire de l'éducation, n°149/2018
Humanités et citoyenneté. L'enseignement des lettres et des langues en France, en Suisse et en Belgique au XIXe siècle
Humanities and Citizenship. The Teaching of Humanities and Languages in France, Switzerland and Belgium in the Nineteenth Century
This special issue examines the evolution and metamorphosis of humanities and languages teaching in France, Switzerland and Belgium during the 19th century. Based on recent empirical research, the contributions allow us to compare and better understand the different responses given to these problems in several cultural and historical contexts

Jean-François Condette, Véronique Castagnet
Histoire de l'éducation, n°151/2019
Pour une histoire renouvelée des élèves (XVIe-XXe siècles). Volume 2 : sources et méthodes
A renewed history of students (16th – 20th centuries). Volume 2: sources and methods
Following on from Volume 150 dealing with five historiographical studies on pupils history, this issue offers five contributions that examine various questions related to archives, printed sources and statistical surveys and highlight the methodological dimensions of writing this specific History

Sonia Birocheau
Incarner un modèle progressiste : la professionnalisation de l'enseignement à Chicago (1890-1940)
The Making of the Professional Teacher in Progressive-Era Chicago
Éducation et savoirs en société
Using Chicago as a case study, this book provides a new historical analysis of Progressive-Era reforms to professionalize teaching and, to a lesser extent, the principalship.

Isabelle Ville, Rachel Gasparini, Laurence Bossy, Salomé Prudot, Véronique Montangerand, Nathalie Duponchel, Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson

Olivier Coutarel, Jean-Yves Langaney, François Jacquet-Francillon, Philippe Bongrand, Clémence Cardon-Quint, Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
Le politique doit-il se mêler d'éducation ?
Do politics have to meddle in education ?
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson

Luc Cédelle revient dans La Lettre de l'éducation du Monde (23 juin 2016) sur l'ouvrage et les Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson. A télécharger (version PDF) depuis ce lien.

Éric Verdier, Xavier Sido, Maryse Lopez, Judith Rosenfeld, Jean-Pascal Kaplinsky, Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
Le lycée professionnel : relégué et avant-gardiste ?
Vocational French High-School : relegated and avant-guarde ?
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson
Yet, vocational curriculum remains a default solution, often seen as a way to school or social relegation. The papers offer a full and diversified view of the key issues. They combine sociological and didactic approaches.

Alain Beitone, Géraldine Farges, Céline Granger, Frédérique Jarre, Pierre Périer, Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
Le métier d'enseignant : une identité introuvable ?
What identity for the teaching profession ?
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson
The "teaching world" is an object of long-standing social and political fantasy. This book both reviews sociological knowledge about the teaching world and provides concrete examples of the challenge of teachers' professional identity.

Alain Choppin, Bénédicte Hugedé, Mélanie Serrat, Jacqueline Costa-Lascoux
Le monde arabo-musulman dans les manuels scolaires français
Histoire, géographie, éducation civique, français

Alain Kerlan, Denis Simard

Marc Demeuse, Daniel Frandji, David Greger, Jean-Yves Rochex
Les politiques d'éducation prioritaire en Europe
Conceptions, mises en oeuvre, débats
Conception, mises en oeuvre, débats
This volume presents the first results from the EuroPEP study in which a comparative analysis was carried out of priority education policies (PEP) in eight European countries: England, Belgium, France, Greece, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, and Sweden.

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