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Mathieu Aguilera, Alice Doublier, Stéphane Le Courant, Camille Paloque-Bergès, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, n°42/2022
Sans contact
This volume dedicated to the "contactless worlds" aims to reflect upon the social uses and functions of proximity and distance, relationships with others and on the breakdown of these relationships in social and historical contexts.

Hugo Oscar Bizzarri
Cahiers d'Études Hispaniques Médiévales, n°44/2021
Pero López de Ayala dans un « monde en plainte et tribulation». Treize leçons

Nicolas Aude
Les aveux imaginaires
Imaginary Confessions
Scénographie de la confession dans le roman (Angleterre, France, Russie)
Scenography of Self-Revelation in the Novel (England, France, Russia)
From the end of the 18th century, women and men writers struggle to publish the mysteries of holy confession in fictions. In the light of a cultural history of confession, this book attempts to study the games of inversion between the intimate and the public that characterize the writing of their novels.

Christophe Cusset
Aitia, 11.2/2021
Visualizing the Iliad
Visualiser l'Iliade
The aim of the papers brought together in this volume is to show how the Homeric text and the figurative representations can be complementary to each other, and how they shed light on each other.We have tried to take into consideration the different modes of representation, giving a preponderant place to figurative,pictorial or sculptural represent

Victoria Aranda Arribas, Emilio Blanco
Atalaya, n°21/2021
Le roman en vers dans l'Espagne moderne
Verse novel in Spain in the Modern Age
The novel in verse has had little success in modern times in the Hispanic area. Perhaps for this reason, critics have not given much attention to this particular narrative genre. This monographic issue seeks to fill this gap by focusing with interest on two of the great representatives of this literary form in Spain.

Claire Cazajous-Augé
À la trace
La poéthique animalière des nouvelles de Rick Bass
An Animal Poethics in Rick Bass' Short Stories
This book looks at an animal poetics in the short stories of Montana eco-writer Rick Bass. It looks at the manners in which Bass' fictional writing plays an essential role in protecting the non-human world and celebrating the value of animal modes of being. It attempts to give voice to a fiction that is outstandingly activist and inherently poetic

Chantal Delourme
Et une phrase…
Virginia Woolf, écrire dans l'entre-deux-guerres.
The work elaborates a thought of the Woolfian poetics whose plastic, moving articulation is the sentence, such as the English language designates it by the word "a phrase". The work is thus an essay of poetics that stands out from the biographical, historicizing approaches that dominate in Woolfian criticism. that make it an original work.

Laura Fournier-Finocchiaro, Liviana Gazzetta, Barbara Meazzi
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°26/2021
Voix et parcours du féminisme dans les revues de femmes (1870-1970)
Voices and paths of feminism in women's magazines (1870-1970)
Between the 19th and 20th centuries, women's magazines were the main instrument of debate and collective action for Italian feminism. They played a crucial role in Italian women’s engagement with international feminist associations and illustrate the complexity of feminist motivations and struggles.

Brigitte Gaïti, Nicolas Mariot
Intellectuels empêchés
Hindered intellectuals
Ou comment penser dans l'épreuve
Thinking under duress
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Maria Díez Yáñez, Carlos Heusch
Cahiers d'études hispaniques médiévales, n°43/2020
Politia. La construction du discours politique au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance

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