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Romain Benini
Filles du peuple ?
Songs of the people ?
Pour une stylistique de la chanson au XIXe siècle
Elements of history and stylistics for the study of 19th century French songs

Isabelle Boehm, Christophe Cusset, Emmanuelle Morel
Aitia, n°9-2/2019
Aitia, n° 9-2/2019
Approches linguistiques d'Apollonios de Rhodes
Linguistic approaches of Apollonius Rhodius
This issue of the Aitia-journal collects the proceedings of an unprecedented workshop on the language of Apollonius of Rhodes. If the Alexandrian literature knew a revival of interest for a few decades, the attention which one paid to the language used by the Alexandrian poets remains still very weak. Here is asked the question of linguistic study

Carlos Heusch
Cahiers d'études hispaniques médiévales, n°42/2019
De amicitia. Penser l'amitié au Moyen Âge

Éric Méchoulan
Lire avec soin
Reading with Care
Amitié, justice et médias
Friendship, justice, and medias
Perspectives du care
How do you think about this experience of reading? The author reinserts this question to a reflection on justice as attention to the other and on the media as a connection; Hence a conception of reading as care and care, according to a friendly model whose history it recalls in connection with the development of the printed media.

Irina Paperno, Aurélien Langlois
Tchernychevski et l'âge du réalisme
Chernyshevsky and the Age of Realism
Essai de sémiotique des comportements
Essay on the Semiotics of Behavior

Violaine Anger
"Sonate, que me veux-tu ?"
"Sonate, what do you mean to me ?"
Pour penser une histoire du signe
Elements to a history of the sign
How can a music signify without text ? Instead of having a definite perspective, the book reconstructs the debates that happened. It elaborates families of thought and integrates the problem of the performer. Thus it opens the way to a comparative analysis of the styles, in their relation to an anthropology.

Eleonora Santin, Laurence Foschia
L'épigramme dans tous ses états: épigraphiques, littéraires, historiques
The epigram in all its forms: epigraphic, literary and historical
Hors Collection
Travelling through time and space, the epigram — a short engraved poem that became a literary genre over time — came to stand at the intersection of epigraphy, archeology, literature and history. Standing at the very crossroad of these disciplines, this book intends to present its subject "dans tous ses états", that is to say in all its forms.

Jean-Marie Guyau
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales

Jean-Louis Fournel, Romain Descendre
Langages, politique, histoire. Avec Jean-Claude Zancarini
Languages, Politics, History. With Jean-Claude Zancarini
Hors Collection

Pierre-Louis Patoine
Corps/texte. Pour une théorie de la lecture empathique
Cooper, Danielewski, Frey, Palahniuk
Can we feel the pain of a character in a novel ? Immersed in a fiction, a reader may experience various somatosensory feelings. Such an experience of "empathic reading" is hardly conceivable through theories of interpretation that ignore the role of the biological body.

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