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· Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson

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Karine Bécu-Robinault, Christine Couture
RDST, n°17/2018
Chercheurs en didactique, enseignants et formateurs : perspectives et collaborations
Researchers, teachers and teacher-trainers in science and technology education : perspectives and collaborations
This file presents examples of collaborations involving researchers, teachers and teacher-trainers in different contexts of training and research. These contributions reflect the challenge of translating research results into didactics in practice.

Anne Barrère, Cédric Frétigné
Recherche et formation, n°85/2017
La revue Recherche & formation a 30 ans
The journal Recherche & formation is thirty
This special issue allows to rediscover the journal's main topics since its creation, through four major courses, three interviews and a reading report. Conceived and realized by the current scientific committee, it hopes to be the witness of the continuities and evolutions of its reflection.

Long Pham Quang, Vanessa Rémery
Recherche et formation, n°84/2017
Interactions tutorales et apprentissages en situation de travail : volume 2
Mentoring interactions and workplace learning
The contributions gathered in this double issue explore how the interactions between actors, whether they are "field" tutors, “school” tutors, referents, professional masters, apprentices, alternates, trainees, etc., constitute a privileged way to study learning processes in the workplace.

Isabelle Capron Puozzo
Revue française de pédagogie, n°197/2016
Les multiples facettes de la créativité dans l'apprentissage
The different facets of creativity in learning
Creativity in education is a topical issue that helps apply innovative teaching approaches while also developing the creative potential of pupils in the learning process. This issue presents several facets of creativity while contextualising the theoretical scope of training or teaching practices.

Roland Goigoux
Revue française de pédagogie, n°196/2016
Apprendre à lire et à écrire au cours préparatoire : enseignements d'une recherche collective
Learning to read and write in first grade: The lessons of a collective research project
Roland Goigoux directed a large-scale research to study the influence of teaching practices in reading and writing on the quality of learning in the first year of primary school. 2,500 students in 131 classrooms participated in the study. In addition to the final report published online, five original contributions are presented in this issue.

Bertrand Daunay, Nathalie Denizot
Repères, n°56/2017
L'exercice de français au primaire et au collège
The Exercises in Primary and Lower Secondary Education
This issue of Repères aims a better understanding of what is meant by exercice in the French tongue classroom, in primary and lower secondary education. More precisely, the matter is to identify what can be the didactic approach to the exercise, which can not be treated independently of the involved contents.

Long Pham Quang, Vanessa Rémery
Recherche et formation, n°83/2016
Interactions tutorales et apprentissages en situation de travail : volume 1
Mentoring interactions and workplace learning
The contributions gathered in this double issue explore how the interactions between actors, whether they are "field" tutors, “school” tutors, referents, professional masters, apprentices, alternates, trainees, etc., constitute a privileged way to study learning processes in the workplace.

Jacques Crinon, Ana Dias-Chiaruttini
Repères, n°55/2017
Interroger l'efficacité des pratiques d'enseignement de la lecture-écriture au cours préparatoire
Examining the effectiveness of teaching practices pertaining to reading and writing (literacy instruction) in primary school.
What brings about the effectiveness of the teaching of reading and writing at the beginning of compulsory primary schooling? And which practices favour weaker pupils? This edition of the review is resultant from the research "The influence of teaching practices of reading and writing on the quality of learning in the primary school".

Hugues Draelants, Laetitia Progin, Annie Feyfant, Dominique Didier-Viforel, Éric Eberlin, Rémi Voisin, Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
L'autonomie de l'établissement, avec ou contre les enseignants ?
School autonomy, with or against the teachers ?
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson
In France, debates on this subject alternately put autonomy as a weapon "against" teachers or as a means of "unlocking" them. By comparing reviews and experiences, this book proposes some operational approaches to foster interactions between academic research and professional practice on this critical issue.

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