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Olivier Brisville-Fertin, Georgina Olivetto, Juan Miguel Valero Moreno
Atalaya, n°16/2016
1) Frontière et minorités religieuses dans la péninsule Ibérique à la fin du Moyen Âge 2) Gloses et interprètes de l'humanisme latin et vernaculaire
1) Frontier and religious minorities in medieval Iberia 2) Glosses and interpreters of the Latin and romance humanism
This issue includes two special dossiers. A reflexion about the situations and the evolutions of the Border between Islam and Christendom, as unstable geopolitical reality or ideological and discursive construction.

Nuria Aranda Garcia, Almuneda Izquierdo Andreu
Atalaya, n°23/2023
Femmes et cour entre le Moyen Âge et la Renaissance : nouvelles perspectives de recherche (SEMYR)
Women and Court between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: new lines of research (SEMYR)
This volume focuses on the literary role of women at court between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. It offers a broad overview of female characters, especially in books of chivalry, as well as their importance in convent literature and as dedicatees of texts.

Francisco Bautista, Mario Cossio Olavide
Cahiers d'études hispaniques médiévales, n°46/2023
Sous le signe d'Alphonse X : contextes et lectures de don Juan Manuel
Under the sign of Alfonso X: contexts and readings of Don Juan Manuel

Nathalie Saudo-Welby, Jean-Jacques Lecercle
Jack and Jekyll
La dégénérescence en Grande-Bretagne 1880-1914
Degeneration in Great-Britain 1880-1914
Late nineteenth century Great-Britain was haunted by a fear of degeneration which confusedly merged concerns about morbid heredity, "racial decline" and social pathology. Degeneration discourse became the common ground shared by alarmist pseudo-scientific texts and Gothic fiction.

Sara Cusset, Claire-Emmanuelle Nardone
Aitia, n°13.1/2023
Chercher la petite bête
Representing animals in ancient literature
This issue brings together the papers of a workshop focusing on the theme of man and animal: human beings speak about themselves through the animal, and make the animal in their image and, sometimes take its appearance. The exploration of the resemblance between human beings and animals constitutes, because it allows us to question human nature.

Patricia Gaborik, Stéphanie Lanfranchi, Élise Varcin
Laboratoire italien. politique et société, n°30/2023
Mussolini in Arte / Arte in Mussolini Perspectives italiennes et internationales
Mussolini in Arte / Arte in Mussolin iItalian and International Perspectives
In the wake of the recent publications on the centrality of culture in the Fascist totalitarian project, this issue examines Mussolini's relationship to the arts and vice versa more specifically, probing the aesthetic and political aspects of representations of the "duce" – both in Italy and in their circulation abroad.

Laurence Cossu- Beaumont, Jean-Yves Mollier
Deux agents littéraires dans le siècle américain
Two Literary Agents in the American Century
William et Jenny Bradley, passeurs culturels transatlantiques
William and Jenny Bradley, Transatlantic Cultural Passeurs
Métamorphoses du livre
William and Jenny Bradley were the first professional literary agents in France and became the key players in literary exchanges between France and the United States. This study, rooted in previously unexplored archival material, recounts the lesser-known story of a French-American couple.

Giancarlo Alfano, Laurent Baggioni
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°29/2022-2
Disasters (14th-17th century)
Disasters and catastrophes are considered here in the forms of writing they elicit within the human world they disrupt. The different case studies examined illustrate how far the variety and fluidity of the rhetorical-literary forms used in 14th-17th century Italy are a powerful factor in the evolution of language, literature and hermeneutic models

Francisco Bautista, Irene Salvo Garcia
Cahiers d'études hispaniques médiévales, n°45/2022
Le pouvoir de l'historiographie dans le projet d'Alphonse X

Ricardo Pichel
SEMYR : « Metiémonos a fazer esta obra » : études autour de l'héritage littéraire, historiographique et juridique alphonsin
«Metiémonos a fazer esta obra»: studies on the literary, historiographical, and juridical legacy of Alfonso X
The cultural heritage we have received from Alfonso X is measureless in the different fields of knowledge he promoted during his reign. The works included in this monographic volume focus on three of the significant areas of great interest to the Wise King: devotional and miraculous literature, historiography and legal literature.

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