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Journal : Atalaya. Revue d'études médiévales romanes
• ISSN : 2102561
• 1 issue per year
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Nuria Aranda Garcia, Almuneda Izquierdo Andreu
Atalaya, n°23/2023
Femmes et cour entre le Moyen Âge et la Renaissance : nouvelles perspectives de recherche (SEMYR)
Women and Court between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: new lines of research (SEMYR)
This volume focuses on the literary role of women at court between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. It offers a broad overview of female characters, especially in books of chivalry, as well as their importance in convent literature and as dedicatees of texts.

Ricardo Pichel
SEMYR : « Metiémonos a fazer esta obra » : études autour de l'héritage littéraire, historiographique et juridique alphonsin
«Metiémonos a fazer esta obra»: studies on the literary, historiographical, and juridical legacy of Alfonso X
The cultural heritage we have received from Alfonso X is measureless in the different fields of knowledge he promoted during his reign. The works included in this monographic volume focus on three of the significant areas of great interest to the Wise King: devotional and miraculous literature, historiography and legal literature.

Victoria Aranda Arribas, Emilio Blanco
Atalaya, n°21/2021
Le roman en vers dans l'Espagne moderne
Verse novel in Spain in the Modern Age
The novel in verse has had little success in modern times in the Hispanic area. Perhaps for this reason, critics have not given much attention to this particular narrative genre. This monographic issue seeks to fill this gap by focusing with interest on two of the great representatives of this literary form in Spain.

Atalaya, n°20/2020
Puellae doctae à la cour des Rois Catholiques (1470-1555) : éducation, littérature et mécénat
Puellae doctae at the Catholic Monarchs' Court (1470-1555): Education, Literature and Patronage
This dossier focuses on the wise women present at the court of the Catholic Monarchs in a period comprised between the birth of the firstborn of the sovereigns, Isabel, until the death of the oldest of their daughters, Juana I.The articles contained in this dossier focus mainly on their education from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Pierre Darnis, Julia Roumier
Atalaya, n°19/2019
Premier dossier Las cadenillas de Hercules : stratégies discursives de l'argumentation pour convaincre, persuader et séduire (Moyen âge et Siècle d'or)
The cadenillas de Hercules: discursive strategies of argumentation to convince, persuade and seduce (Middle Ages and Golden Age)
If an image were needed to evoke the power of the speech, it could be that of Hercules Ogmios leading to a procession whose ears are chained to his tongue. Emblem of the force of eloquence, it is under the aegis of this Hercules that we place our reflection here to try to grasp the nature of these chains by which the author captivates his audience.

Atalaya, n°18/2019
Dossier SEMYR : Littérature en mouvement : changement et évolution entre 1475 et 1525
Literature in Movement: Change and Evolution between 1475 and 1525
This presentation includes a synthesis of the articles contained in this dossier, which try to show how some of the works that anticipate the new literary models of the Spanish Golden Age are the result of transforming preexisting models.

Alice Carette, Irene Salvo Garcia
Atalaya, n°17/2017
1) Alfonso de Palencia, travaux en cours et perspectives 2) Dossier SEYMR : La General estoria d'Alphonse X: canon littéraire et changement linguistique
1) Alfonso de Palencia, works in progress and prospects 2) SEYMR Files : Alfonso X's General Estoria : literary canon and linguistic change
1)The work of the humanist Alfonso de Palencia, recognized by the Hispanic medievalists for its historical and cultural value. It has been the subject of a new research dynamic for several years. 2)The "Dossier de la SEMYR" gathers nine articles propose a common approach of the language and the textual features of the universal history.

Olivier Brisville-Fertin, Georgina Olivetto, Juan Miguel Valero Moreno
Atalaya, n°16/2016
1) Frontière et minorités religieuses dans la péninsule Ibérique à la fin du Moyen Âge 2) Gloses et interprètes de l'humanisme latin et vernaculaire
1) Frontier and religious minorities in medieval Iberia 2) Glosses and interpreters of the Latin and romance humanism
This issue includes two special dossiers. A reflexion about the situations and the evolutions of the Border between Islam and Christendom, as unstable geopolitical reality or ideological and discursive construction.

Pablo Justel Vicente
Atalaya, n°15/2015
Des textes à l'œuvre : la poésie narrative castillane au XIIIe siècle