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Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°27/2021

À distance

Edited by Jean-Louis Fournel, Matteo Palumbo

Laboratoire italien

Distance learning

University has always involved new experiences, face-to-face meetings, attendance, exchanges of ideas: "distance", when it was thought about at all, was above all a matter of method, a problematisation which allowed construction from an original point of view: distance was productive when it was purely metaphorical. In contrast, what was imposed in March 2020 was a brutal and very tangible distance. This led to the emergence of awful neologisms and acronyms: the pair of antonyms “présentiel”/“distanciel” in French; the DAD (didattica a distanza) in Italian. Something that was obvious, presence, has become a simply an option, which can be rejected, hence the emergence of new academic practices. Due to travel bans, the pandemic has also upset interrelationships at different levels which generally have a bearing on higher education. Even if the generalisation of distancing has led to its share of suffering, both individual and collective, the question of distance cannot be approached purely on the basis of emotional or technophobic reactions. On the contrary, it involves making observations, analysing consequences, identifying forecasts and taking into account the possible knock-on effects for the various actors, starting with those who govern universities at both local and national level. These are all the topics on which this study seeks to launch an open debate.

Jean-Louis Fournel
lien IdRef : 029273188

Jean-Louis Fournel, Jean-Claude Zancarini
La politique de l'expérience
Savonarole, Guicciardini et le républicanisme florentin


Jean-Louis Fournel, Corinne Lucas Fiorato
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°25/2020
Mots et gestes dans l'Italie de la Renaissance
Words and gestures in Early Modern Italy
This issue explores a little-studied aspect of works about the body: the interactions between the two semiotic systems of verbal language and gesture, an aspect of body language. In their interferences, from the 16th century onwards, a profound transformation of the social and individual functions of the "visibile parlare" took place

Jean-Louis Fournel, Christian Biet
Astérion, n°15/2016
Après la guerre
After the War
This issue deals refers to the exact time when violents conflicts are supposed to end. Usually called «postwar period» and always perceived as problematic, this moment is an unachieved process: we know when it starts but we do not ever know when it really ends.

Jean-Louis Fournel
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°17/2016
Textes et documents au temps des Guerres d'Italie : Alciato, Gagliano, Guicciardini, Machiavel, Sforza

Jean-Louis Fournel, Romain Descendre
Langages, politique, histoire. Avec Jean-Claude Zancarini
Languages, Politics, History. With Jean-Claude Zancarini
Hors Collection

Jean-Louis Fournel, Jacques Guilhaumou, Jean-Pierre Potier
Libertés et libéralismes
Formation et circulation des concepts
Gouvernement en question(s)
This book acknowledges that there can be no reflection on liberalism without the concept of freedom but that no concept of freedom can be included among the different forms of liberalism. The two words which constitute the subject of this investigation refer to empirical or conceptual realities and a priori different chronologies.

Jean-Louis Fournel, Christian Del Vento