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Recherche et formation, n°87/2018

Former pour lutter contre les inégalités

Recherche et formation

Educating teachers to combat inequality

This collection brings together contributions that shed light on different aspects of the link between teacher training and academic inequality, whether in priority education zones or not. The aim is to identify the conditions for implementing teacher training in a way that reduces academic inequality and increases fairness in schools.

The authors show that the results of research on effective practice have little impact on teachers if context is not taken into consideration, be it at the political and institutional levels or within classrooms. The analysis of the context explains why certain practices persist despite being vectors of inequality. Paradoxically, taking into serious account teachers' motives and their actual practice is a condition for teachers to accept the transformation of their practice, thereby organizing a balanced dialogue between researchers, trainers and teachers and designing tools and approaches to training that are resolutely aimed at serving teachers and their students.

Maira de Araujo Mamede
lien IdRef : 165819790


Maira de Araujo Mamede, Julien Netter
Revue française de pédagogie, n°213/2021
Les enfants parlent de la classe
How children talk about the classroom
When adults talk about the classroom, they impose a way of perceiving it, of interpreting it. But what happens when children talk about the classroom? The three articles which comprise this issue report on recent studies which, adopting different approaches, collect children's statements about the classroom using original methods.