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Enfants gitans à l'école et en famille

Enfants gitans à l'école et en famille

D'une analyse des dynamiques langagières en famille aux pratiques de classe

Edited by Nathalie Auger

Éducation et savoirs en société

Gypsy children at School and in their families
From an Analysis of the Dynamic of Family Languages to Class practices

This book seeks to describe the language dynamics of Gypsy children in family and at school in order to better understand the issues related to their academic success. The book favors an approach that is both qualitative and experimental over a school year, based on an analysis of the discourse and practices of teachers, families, children and social actors in relation to gypsy communities. This work is anchored in the humanities and social sciences, in particular in language sciences (linguistics, didactics, acquisition, sociolinguistics) to propose an articulated answer to this particular issue. The novelty lies both in the approaches implemented and in the results obtained which show that Gypsy children can be very successful at school if one takes into account their linguistic resources.