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Revue française de pédagogie, n°203/2018

Les pratiques éducatives des parents enseignants

Revue française de pédagogie - Recherches en éducation

Educational practices of parent-teachers

This special issue focuses on parent-teachers supervising their children's schooling. A. van Zanten's introduction highlights the three-fold advantage of this object in understanding parental involvement to manage schooling, the attributes of teachers compared to other socio-professional groups and their role in re-producing inequalities. The four articles featured provide complementary perspectives of these parental practices. Based on the ethnographic study of a small number of parent-teachers supervising homework, S. Kakpo and P. Rayou’s article stresses different aspects of their expertise, including their ability to decipher implicit institutional expectations. Using data from the panels of the Directorate of Evaluation, Foresight and Performance of the Ministry of Education, A. Lasne shows the importance that these parents place on the skills and schooling conditions to foster their children’s success. Using the Insee Time-Use Survey, F. Salane and M. Letrait point out the considerable time they devote to their children’s schooling and their strong commitment to their children’s extra-curricular activities. Finally, using Insee’s Employment Surveys, G. Farges analyses the school careers of teachers’ children in secondary and tertiary education, underlining the advantages of those whose mothers are secondary or tertiary teachers.

Agnès van Zanten
lien IdRef : 030023459


Agnès van Zanten
Revue française de pédagogie, n°182/2013
Connaissances et politiques d'éducation : quelles interactions ?

Bernard Delvaux, Agnès van Zanten
Revue française de pédagogie, n°156/2006
Les espaces locaux d'interdépendance entre établissements : une comparaison européenne

Agnès van Zanten
Revue française de pédagogie, n°144/2003
Dynamiques multiculturelles et politiques scolaires en Europe

Agnès van Zanten
La scolarisation dans les milieux difficiles
Politiques, processus et pratiques