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Recherche et formation, n°92/2019

La théorie de l'enquête de John Dewey

Edited by Joris Thievenaz

Recherche et formation

John Dewey's theory of the inquiry

The concept of inquiry developed by John Dewey is the subject of renewed interest in the social and human sciences (SHS), particularly in the education and training sciences (ETS). This enthusiasm for inquiry can certainly be linked to recent French translations of John Dewey's seminal works, but also to the need to address the issue of experience and its development based on a universal approach to action and human development. An exploration, drawing on or building on Dewey’s work, of current topics which cut across the fields of education, training and health also provides an opportunity to examine them in greater depth, from holistic, analytical, singular and universal perspectives. The contributions included in this thematic issue explore the heuristic aspect of this theory of experience by highlighting its foundations and regenerated opportunities for research and training.