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Collection : Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales
• ISSN : 22745831
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Jacques Henriot, Gilles Brougère, Bernard Perron
Sous couleur de jouer
La métaphore ludique
Playful metaphor
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales
Published in 1989, Sous couleur de jouer has become a classic of French-language literature on play and games. Its approach is as much about reflecting on the idea of play as it is about criticizing thoughts that are too quick to grasp what lies at the heart of the phenomenon, that is a lusory attitude.

Viviane Isambert-Jamati, Roger Establet
Crises de la société, crises de l'enseignement
Society crises, Teaching crises
Sociologie de l'enseignement secondaire français
Sociology of French secondary education
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales

Georges Liénard, Émile Servais, Stéphane Bonnery
Capital culturel et inégalités sociales
Cultural capital and social inequalities.
Morales de classes et destinées sociales
Class morals and social destinies
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales
The (re)publication in the Bibliothèque Idéale des Sciences Sociales (Bi2S) of the work of Georges Liénard and Émile Servais finally brings to the attention of the scientific community an unjustly unknown investigation.The new preface by Stéphane Bonnéry, underline its precursory character for the sociology of education and children.

Edward Sapir, Francis Zimmermann
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales
Edward Sapir is undoubtedly one of the most important anthropologists of the early 20th century. Long before the development of structural anthropology, Sapir formulated the philosophy of structuralism and laid the foundations of a general science of behaviour.

Marc Augé, Jean-Pierre Dozon
Théorie des pouvoirs et idéologie
Étude de cas en Côte d'Ivoire
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales

Jean-Claude Passeron, Emmanuel Pedler, Samuel Coavoux, Igor Martinache, Pierre Mercklé
Le temps donné aux tableaux
Une enquête au musée Granet, augmentée d'études sur la réception de la peinture et de la musique
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales

Claude Raffestin, Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales
Raffestin thus makes a major contribution to the social sciences as a whole by defining territoriality as a form of spatial mediation of social relations. The importance which he places on the degree of autonomy which exists between the perception and the construction of power relations is the expression of a committed geography.

Louis Couturat, Michel Fichant
Logique, mathématiques, langue universelle
Logic, mathematics and universal language
Anthologie, 1893-1917
Anthology, 1893-1917
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales
Logic, mathematics and universal language brings together thirty-nine articles written by Louis Couturat (1868-1914) on the philosophy of logic, mathematics and language.

Pierre Duhem
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales
It took more than a century to The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory, the major work of Pierre Duhem in the philosophy of science, to become a classic.

Jean-Marie Guyau
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales

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