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Violaine Anger
"Sonate, que me veux-tu ?"
"Sonate, what do you mean to me ?"
Pour penser une histoire du signe
Elements to a history of the sign
How can a music signify without text ? Instead of having a definite perspective, the book reconstructs the debates that happened. It elaborates families of thought and integrates the problem of the performer. Thus it opens the way to a comparative analysis of the styles, in their relation to an anthropology.

Irina Paperno, Aurélien Langlois
Tchernychevski et l'âge du réalisme
Chernyshevsky and the Age of Realism
Essai de sémiotique des comportements
Essay on the Semiotics of Behavior

Mathieu Aguilera, Alice Doublier, Stéphane Le Courant, Camille Paloque-Bergès, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, n°42/2022
Sans contact
This volume dedicated to the "contactless worlds" aims to reflect upon the social uses and functions of proximity and distance, relationships with others and on the breakdown of these relationships in social and historical contexts.

Arnaud Bernadet, Philippe Payen de la Garanderie
cultures, poétiques, anthropologie
cultures, poetics, anthropology
This collective book deals with literary translation, be it the very experience of translating or its theory. "Literature" is considered here as a critical expression of artistic worth and a specific view on languages, both of which reveal not only the formal but also the cultural and political stakes of translation.

Jean-François Favreau
Vertige de l'écriture
Michel Foucault et la littérature (1954-1970)

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