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Luigi Magno, Jean-Marie Gleize

Laurence Cossu- Beaumont, Jean-Yves Mollier
Deux agents littéraires dans le siècle américain
Two Literary Agents in the American Century
William et Jenny Bradley, passeurs culturels transatlantiques
William and Jenny Bradley, Transatlantic Cultural Passeurs
Métamorphoses du livre
William and Jenny Bradley were the first professional literary agents in France and became the key players in literary exchanges between France and the United States. This study, rooted in previously unexplored archival material, recounts the lesser-known story of a French-American couple.

Bai Gang, Alain Peyraube
Discours du Qi
Texte historique de la Chine pré-impériale

Eleonora Santin, Laurence Foschia
L'épigramme dans tous ses états: épigraphiques, littéraires, historiques
The epigram in all its forms: epigraphic, literary and historical
Hors Collection
Travelling through time and space, the epigram — a short engraved poem that became a literary genre over time — came to stand at the intersection of epigraphy, archeology, literature and history. Standing at the very crossroad of these disciplines, this book intends to present its subject "dans tous ses états", that is to say in all its forms.

Chantal Delourme
Et une phrase…
Virginia Woolf, écrire dans l'entre-deux-guerres.
The work elaborates a thought of the Woolfian poetics whose plastic, moving articulation is the sentence, such as the English language designates it by the word "a phrase". The work is thus an essay of poetics that stands out from the biographical, historicizing approaches that dominate in Woolfian criticism. that make it an original work.

Marianne Gourg

Romain Benini
Filles du peuple ?
Songs of the people ?
Pour une stylistique de la chanson au XIXe siècle
Elements of history and stylistics for the study of 19th century French songs

Le Génie de la langue française
Autour de Marot et La Fontaine. L'Adolescence clémentine, Les Amours de Psyché et de Cupidon

Carlo Goldoni
Goldoni. Le petit théâtre de société
L'Avare (1756) - L'Auberge de la poste (1762) - Le Tour payé de retour (1764)

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