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Philippe Savoie
Histoire de l'éducation, n°140-141/2014
L'État et l'éducation en France (XIXe-XXe siècles)
State and Education in France (19th-20th centuries)
This issue of Histoire de l'éducation includes a thematic part and three various articles. The thematic part is devoted to "State and education in France, 19th-20th centuries" and follows the special issue about “State and education in Europe, 18th-21st centuries” (number 134, April-June 2012).

Olivier Dezutter, Jean-Louis Dufays
Repères, n°51/2015
Explorer les lieux et les temps de la lecture
Exploring places and times of reading
This issue focuses on the situation of pupils readers in their early years learning, on the practices of their teachers and on the educationalists work for seeking to better understand and guide the activities of each other.

Frédéric Saussez
Recherche et formation, n°75/2014
Analyse de l'activité des enseignants débutants et vidéoformation
Analysis of the work of beginning teachers and the use of classroom videos in teacher education
Through the presentation and discussion of the Neopass@ction platform, this special issue questions different modes of conceptualization of the teaching activity organizers, to provide some reading keys to teacher educators interested in using this platform or other resources produced in the field of ergonomics analysis of teaching activity.

Auteurs divers
Sticef (Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication pour l'éducation et la formation)
Recueil 2012 / Volume 19 dont le numéro spécial Individualisation, personnalisation et adaptation des EIAH

Eric Bruillard, Vassilis Komis, Thérèse Laferrière
RDST, n°6/2012
TIC et apprentissage des sciences : promesses et usages

Guy Brucy, Fabienne Maillard, Gilles Moreau
Revue française de pédagogie, n°180/2012
Le CAP : regards croisés sur un diplôme centenaire

Bertrand Daunay, Francis Grossmann
Repères, n°46/2012
Vingt ans de recherches en didactique du français (1990-2010). Quelques aspects des recherches dans les revues

Romuald Normand
Éducation et Sociétés, n°30/2012
La sociologie de l'éducation : une science de gouvernement ?

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