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· Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson

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Xavier Pons, Valérie Lincot, Caroline Brottet-Aiello, Marianne Woollven, Hélène Buisson-Fenet, Olivier Rey
À quoi sert la comparaison internationale en éducation ?
What is the use of international comparisons in education ?
Entretiens Ferdinand Buisson
For years, it is noticed a growing attention for international comparisons, as opportunities for benchmarking of educational systems, for best or worst. What's the point of international comparisons in education ? How PISA and other international comparisons are understood and used ?

Yves Dutercq, Hélène Buisson-Fenet
Recherche et formation, n°78/2015
Les cadres de l'éducation
Managing schools in Europe
The actors in the school experience the tensions related to working conditions, the ambiguities of an institution's limited autonomy, and the overwhelming increase in administrative tasks.How can we analyze the collective work, and the shared responsibility of school's managerial staff in France and in Europe?

Maryline Coquidé, Cora Cohen- Azria
RDST, n°13/2016
Recherches sur l'école et ses partenaires scientifiques
Researches on School and its scientific partners
This document « Researches on School and its scientific partners » enables us to query the partnership practices and the ways in which educationalists problematize and invest this field. French education policy in France encourages teachers to develop partnerships with museums and centres for scientific culture, associations, universities, ...

Siegfried Hanhart, Isabel Voirol-Rubido
Revue française de pédagogie, n°192/2015
Face aux mutations des marchés de l'emploi, quelles politiques de formation ?
The Evolution of Labor Markets and its Impact on Training Policies
This issue of the Revue française de pédagogie features an updated approach to the relationship between training and employment, taking a macroeconomic perspective. French-speaking researchers address various aspects of the relationship between training policies and employment policies.

Laurent Cosnefroy, Emmanuelle Annoot
Recherche et formation, n°77/2014
La posture d'accompagnement dans l'enseignement supérieur
The position of student support in higher education
This special issue is devoted to student support practices in higher education and the way in which teaching staff implement them. This issue focuses specifically on three kinds of practices: student learning support, comprehensive student support and teacher support.

Clémence Cardon-Quint, Renaud (d') Enfert, Emmanuelle Picard
Histoire de l'éducation, n°142/2014
Les associations de spécialistes : militantisme et identités professionnelles (XXe-XXIe siècle)
Subject associations : militancy and professional identities (20th-21th century)
In this issue of Histoire de l'éducation, the thematic part examines the way these associations contribute to the construction of a shared professional culture constitutive of professional identities, and participate in the governance of the educational system

Georges Felouzis, Barbara Fouquet-Chauprade
Revue française de pédagogie, n°191/2015
Les descendants d'immigrés à l'école : destins scolaires et origines des inégalités
Children of immigrants at school: academic futures and roots of inequality

Patricia Marzin-Janvier, Isabelle Kermen
RDST, n°12/2015
L'expérimental en sciences, réel ou virtuel ?
Labwork in science, real or virtual?
The proposals included in this theme issue address the possible forms of empirical referent and the role of practical activities in science education learning. Another point study is the appropriation of the experimental approach by the students.

Bernadette Kervyn, Catherine Brissaud
Repères, n°52/2015
Lecture et écriture: les choix des enseignants au début de l'école élémentaire
How to make recommendations regarding reading and writing at the beginning of primary school without knowing teachers' practices, without measuring the efficiency of their practices, without seizing the complexity of early learnings? And how to document teachers' choices?

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